Haven | Teen Ink


April 27, 2016
By KatieSeifert16 BRONZE, Zanesville, Ohio
KatieSeifert16 BRONZE, Zanesville, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Screams whistled through my head, unable to shut down. A razor blade fell to the floor, and then nothing...


I awoke in a moving vehicle, but I couldn’t register what it was at first. Sirens and the flashing lights I saw outside of the window made me realize I was in an ambulance. I was lying down, and there were two people, a man and women, and they looked terrified. I don’t remember what had happened. My breathing gets heavy and next thing I know I drown in my own thoughts.

Then I was sitting up in a chair, I felt stable and normal- but my mother is sitting next to me, and there’s a nurse at a desk is in front of me. I try to remember, but it seems there’s a block in my temporal lobe. My mother is crying hysterically, and the nurse’s lips are moving. Words finally arise, and she keeps asking why. Why why why… I make a confused expression, and she finally asks me if I remember anything- I tell her no. She begins explaining, and I feel as if I’m being swallowed in a black hole. “You attempted suicide. You cut your wrist while you were in the bath tub. But I need to know why.” I looked down at my arms, and my left arm is tapped from my elbow down. An image appears in my mind, and it’s of bloody water. I tell her “I don’t know.” She replies, “it’s okay. This is a safe place."


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