A Day in the life of... | Teen Ink

A Day in the life of...

June 1, 2016
By HannahJoPro SILVER, Atwater, Ohio
HannahJoPro SILVER, Atwater, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Quit starring at me! It isn't nice to stare every 5 minutes and sometimes you don't even look away! It isn't fair, I can't move! I am just hanging here up on this wall while everyone stares! Sometimes I feel like something is wrong with me! Am I an hour off? Or am I not moving? You hope I will go faster so that you can just leave me and forget about me and move on to some other clock! Actually most of the time you are looking at your phone's clock except for me, it's like I have no purpose anymore! Plus it doesn’t help that you leave me here for almost 17 hours in this dark scary room here alone or else I think i'm alone, I hear strange noises coming from the books across the room.You could atleast leave a light on or take me with you. I hate being hung up on the wall by one single nail, well i mean it could be worse most of my friends are covered up by paper saying “Math Time!” on them. The only days someone grabs me are on daylight savings time or when my batteries dies other than that i am just hanging here collecting dust. You can sometimes even take me down and decorate me, you can glue a boa around me and give me some stars! I also need more entertainment. I see the same stuff everyday, you texting your boyfriend or “parents”, I see you cheating on tests, I see you throwing things across the room or passing notes to your friend. It gets boring i need more entertainment! Well I guess i am done ranting for now! Let’s talk about the things that I like about being up here. Sometimes it is better to be hung up on the wall because you students can see me better and when that noisy big monster comes to eat the little paper off the floor, I won’t get ate! I am happy that I don’t make that much noise like the monster! I would get annoying, then no one would want me! One good thing about being up here is that nothing will get spilled on me! The carpet on the other hand has had so many things spilled on it from coffee to tea to juice! But I will let you get back to your work and stop nagging about my problems!
Your Stalker,
Classroom Clock

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