Tumbling to Joy | Teen Ink

Tumbling to Joy

October 14, 2016
By moqashou BRONZE, Grand Prairie, Texas
moqashou BRONZE, Grand Prairie, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He just wanted to start over and leave everything behind. Even though others might have envied what he had, Tum didn’t care for any of it. He grew up thinking that once he reached the successful point he is at now he would have been happy. So he went through many years of college, got his dream job, and became a married man. However, all of the people in his life were very driven by the idea of economic happiness. They all worried about how much money they could get their hands on and making money balanced their serotonin levels unlike anything else out there. They were the type to easily betray if money was involved. No one truly cared about Tum, and that’s why he was so empty inside like a bat alone in a dark cave. Tum’s own wife was cheating on him with his boss to ensure that Tum wouldn’t get fired because she sure did like all that money he spent on her. Of course, Tum was aware of this but he was always too scared to say anything that would ruin what he had built up. All that was going through Tum’s head was negative thought after negative thought, and he couldn’t go a day without building enough anger to make him contemplate ending his own life. However, one day he decided that instead of dreaming of a new life or ending his own, he was actually going create a new one for himself.
From this point forward, Tum had it implanted in his mind that he would not dwell on any aspect of life that would bring him anything negative. His new job was to spread positivity to everyone around him, and in return for making others happy he hoped to find a sense of happiness for himself. On that day, Tum quit his job and gave away all of his money to charity. Not only did he quit his office job, but also his job as a husband, his job as the societal picture of an everyday man, and his job as a believer that life is full of negativity. With that in mind, he travelled as far away as he could from the corruption around him. He tried making friends with some other homeless people, but that didn’t work out as he thought it would. However, his only worry in life at that moment was to get some food in his system and have a place to stay. The plan was to make enough generous and caring friends to work all of that out but instead, the poor man spent many nights starving and cold. This situation gave him a new understanding of the world. He started to think that maybe no one really did care. As Tum was slowly dying day by day, he didn’t regret the decision he had made. He knew that he didn’t want to live in a world where people didn’t care about him, so if he died doing this he would have at least known the truth. It was just a matter of time.
The next day, Tum found himself in a bed. The sun was shining through a window next to him, making his body warm. As he awoke and started to get out of the bed, he saw a short woman with a very large burn mark across her face. She told him that took him home after she found him in an alley and saw he was looking a bit under the weather. Tum gave her a smile as bright as a kid waking up on Christmas day and thanked her. She then allowed him to shower, eat, and sleep in her home until he reached a healthier state. Over the course of those days, the two told each other their stories and enjoyed each other’s company. After Tum’s health became better, the woman asked him to stay and help run a local restaurant that she owned. He had nowhere else to go, so the two stayed together and began to spend most of their days with each other. Instead of looking at the world in a conjured up positive state of mind, Tum actually started to believe all of the positive things he thought. He no longer saw a reason to think negatively all because he had found someone who finally showed him that someone does care.

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