The Worst to Best | Teen Ink

The Worst to Best

October 14, 2016
By KDeleon BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
KDeleon BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“I promise I will always make you happy and never hurt you,” he said to her with those shiny eyes of his, but something within her told her that this would be too good to be true. However, Vanessa just ignored it though, she wanted to enjoy the moment with him.
Vanessa and Gabriel met in an unfamiliar way because even though they went to the same school they had never seen each other. She was a freshman and he was a sophomore. One day as usual, she was at the store with her mother, Esmeralda, they both liked clothing shopping. Vanessa never liked going to the dress section, but something within her made her to go to that section. The last thought that came to her mind was that she was going to meet Gabriel there. She hadn’t plan anything out neither had he. They both exchanged phone numbers and after that day Vanessa’s life had switch up on her. Throughout that day, all you could see in Vanessa’s face were her white shining teeth.
  Few months pass by and Vanessa and Gabriel were still friends and getting to know each other. Everything changed on December 8, 2013 when he had decided to ask her to be his girlfriend. That day Vanessa felt like she didn’t need anything else but Gabriel to be happy.
After 8 months of them dating Gabriel changed so much with Vanessa that she didn’t recognize who he had become. He wouldn’t pay attention to her anymore. Is it because I am horrifying to him now? Vanessa asked herself. Her mind was spinning around in circles like a Ferris wheel asking herself questions in her mind but no question she had, had an answer. She started being insecure about herself because she loved him very much but she wasn’t sure if he still did.
One day she decided to ask him if they could go to the movies together, but he told her that he was going to be busy that day, so she decided to tell her best friend Elisa if she wanted to go with her to the movies. Her best friend agreed to go with her so they started planning out.
Vanessa arrived to the movies early so she waited for Elisa in the game area. She wasn’t expecting Elisa to be there because she had told her that she was going to run a little late. Once Vanessa was in the game area she saw Elisa and Gabriel kissing. Vanessa’s greenish eyes started getting swollen as tears streamed down her face. She went up to Gabriel and told him that she didn’t want to know anything about him and that they were over. She felt her blood boiling in the inside of her as she was running towards the door as fast as she could Gabriel following after her.  She never would’ve thought that Gabriel and Elisa would do something as low as what they had done. Her happy world came crashing down in front of her own eyes and she couldn’t do anything about it.
She felt like someone just had punched her in the gut. She was so busy wiping her tears that she didn’t notice Tristan there so she bumped into to him. He asked her if she was okay and she told him that she wasn’t. He started talking to her and asking her if there was anything he could do for her. After a while he calmed her down she told him what happened. Even though she had just met him, she felt that he was different and that he wasn’t like any other guy she had met before. He had something special that made her trust him. Tristan ask if he could take her home, she agreed and they both got in the car. Once they were in the car he kissed her and at that moment she felt butterflies in her stomach. She had never felt like that not even for Gabriel. Tristan made her feel special. He ask if they could get to know each other more and she liked the idea of that so she gave him her number. Tristan took her home afterwards. After all Vanessa found something good in that bad situation.

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