A Week in the Life of a High Schooler | Teen Ink

A Week in the Life of a High Schooler

October 19, 2016
By TeenInkWriter325 BRONZE, Austin, Texas
TeenInkWriter325 BRONZE, Austin, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Monday: Ugh. School. After staying up late binge watching my favorite TV show on Netflix last night, I couldn’t even keep my eyes open. All those teachers kept rambling on and on and I just couldn’t keep up. During lunch, I barely talked. My friends asked me what’s wrong. That’s easy.

It’s Monday.



Tuesday: Better than Monday. At least I could drag myself out of bed today. More rambling from the teacher. I would’ve understood it if I had paid attention on Monday. Oh well.
We had a fire drill today. It would’ve only taken 20 minutes, but a few guys got lost, so it ended up lasting three hours. How someone can get lost in a place they go every day is beyond me.

The good news is that we got to hang out outside for a while. The bad news is I had to go to the bathroom.



Wednesday: Bad day today. We had a pop quiz in math. I didn’t understand what was taught today. Because I didn’t understand what was taught yesterday. And that’s because I didn’t understand what was taught Monday.

I think I did badly.



Thursday: Yup. I did badly. While all my friends were showing off their grades that were higher than their IQ’s, I was sulking in the corner. Yup. This basically sums up my life.

My parents are going to kill me.



Friday: Good news! The teacher says she will raise my grade if I do some extra work. Hopefully I can raise my grade before my parents notice.


And, today is Friday. That’s always good news.



Saturday: YES!



Sunday: …

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