the 3 boys | Teen Ink

the 3 boys

November 2, 2016
By Anonymous

The 3 Boys


It was bone chilling Halloween night. There was there was three boys Ellis, Keshon, and Robert. Ellis, Keshon, and Robert they all like candy, games, and like to play football. On the night of Halloween they were all excited and could not wait. They wanted all the candy they could get that night. But where they lived there was not a lot of candy that they could get.
As the three boys struggled to find candy they were still excited about Halloween. They was willing to go to great lengths to get some candy. No matter what cause there parents would not buy them candy. There parents thought that candy was the worst thing in the world. There parents did not like it they thought if they ate candy they would loose all of there teeth.
So there parents never buys them candy cause the parents was against it all the way. That’s why they are willing to do anything to get candy because there parents don’t buy them candy on Halloween. When they did get candy there parents hoped that somebody snatched there candy bags so they would have no candy to eat. So Keshon, Ellis, and Robert got as much candy as they could get. When they got home they wanted to eat all the candy that they have gotten. But they could not do that cause they all had school the next day and they had forgotten.
There moms only let them eat two pieces a day cause they did not want them eating a lot of candy. Keshon, Ellis, and Robert thought it would expire but the parents said other wise. They was so angry that they took more than two pieces a day. After two weeks went by there teeth was hurting and they thought they was going to die. So they told there parents and they said its all the candy you guys keep eating. And it was at that moment that the 3 boys got caught eating extra candy.
When they got caught there parents did not let them go trick or treating anymore. There moms said no more trick or treating and there will be no more candy but Keshon said they should have one more chance. Keshons mom said yes to one more chance but Roberts and Ellis mom said they don’t get a chance. Not at all she does not want them eating candy period point blank end of the conversation. The moms said she wants her children to have teeth unlike some parents out here.
So Ellis and Robert never ate ate candy again but Keshon eats all the candy he wants to eat. Because his mom stopped caring about his teeth and let things get out of hand so his teeth is now ugly. Now Keshon still lives with his mom , step dad, three brothers, his cat and he continues to eat candy. Mean while Ellis lives with his granny, sister, and his brother he goes and visits his dad and his mom often and enjoys life. Robert lives with his grand dad , sister, and his mother.
They are waiting for the next Halloween but they are not allowed to gets candy besides Keshon. And every day they think about candy but they can never get some because they did the wrong thing.

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