Susan | Teen Ink


December 17, 2016
By melia44 BRONZE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
melia44 BRONZE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

DAVID: 33 y.o. man. Executive at an accounting firm.
FRANCIS: 51 y.o. man. Ex-military
SUSAN: 18/50y.o. woman. David’s mother.

Lights come up in an airplane, two people sitting next to one another, DAVID and FRANCIS.)

We apologize for the inconvenience, we are experiencing delays and will be departing shortly. (DAVID appears impatient and fidgety. FRANCIS looks him over and raises his eyebrows)

What’s the rush?

I have an important meeting to get to back home in North Carolina, I’m just anxious to get there I suppose. (pause, looks at FRANCIS) I’m David, by the way. (holds out his hand to shake FRANCIS’s hand)

Nice to meet you, I’m Francis (shakes DAVID’s hand)

Where are you headed, Francis?

I’m going to meet an old friend. It’s crazy news, you wouldn’t believe it!

(With a smile) Try me.

(deep breath) But it’s kind of a long story?

It sounds like we’ve got plenty of time.

Okay, sure. Well, I joined the army when I was 18 to put some distance between me and some personal issues I was dealing with. Joining the army was a hard decision but it had felt right at the time . . . All of a sudden six years had gone by and I realized that there was something missing from my life. So I left and traveled around for a few years, exploring South America. And through all this time I couldn’t forget about her -

- Her?
My high school sweetheart. I left her when I joined the military. At the time it had felt like an easy decision but I found myself missing her more and more (pauses with a sad expression on his face) When I got back to America I had run out of money and didn’t even have a place to sleep, so I settled for the first job I could find, as a janitor at an accounting firm.

So. . . you’re going visit her?

Mhm (nods, pulls a folded letter out of his pocket, blackout)


(flashback to a week earlier, FRANCIS sits in a cluttered, dimly lit room at a desk with a light on. In his hands he holds an old letter, his hands shake)

(FRANCIS reads the letter out loud to himself) August 17th, 1983. . . (he
appears shocked by the date and takes a moment before continuing to

(SUSAN’s voice off stage, voicing over the letter) Dear Francis, I know there must be a lot on your mind lately, and I don’t want to hold you back from your dreams but I need to tell you something. I wanted to tell you before you left but every time I tried, I couldn’t find the words . . .  I have re-written this letter over and over but I still can’t find the right way to say this . . .  I’m pregnant, three months along.  I don’t expect anything from you, I just needed you to know . . . you have the right to know. I am not asking you to come home, I’ll be okay on my own. Whether or not you want a relationship with your child is up to you, I still love you and want you in both of our lives, but I’m not going to wait for you forever. Whatever you choose, know that our child will be loved and cared for.
With love, Susan

(SUSAN and DAVID sitting on a couch with a coffee table in front of them. Pictures are all around of a happy family)

Did your meeting go okay, David?


Really well, thanks. It’s really great to be back home, Mom. What’s it been, seven years now? Sleeping in my bed, walking around the old neighborhood, seeing you again, I hadn’t realized how much I missed this place.


I’m so happy to have you home, phone calls just aren’t enough anymore.

I drove past the old playground on my way to the meeting this morning. It’s amazing how small it looks now. Do you remember that time we all went there together, and Todd and I were playing hide and seek in the pouring rain? I climbed all the way to the top of that old Oak tree, it felt so tall back then, I can’t believe I couldn’t get down.

How could I forget! Remember how Todd had to climb up and help you?

I was so cold and then we went to get hot chocolate together at Bennie’s,
(jokingly) I think I drank about five cups. . . it’s one of my fondest
memories. (smiles at his mother)

(DAVID and SUSAN are sitting at the dinner table. They have finished dinner and there is a half eaten pot roast. They are happy and smiling)

Todd’s been in the kitchen for a while I’m going to go see if he needs any help.
(he puts his napkin on top of his plate and stands up.)

Okay (At this moment there is a knock on the door, DAVID goes to answer)
I’ll get it! (David walks to the door, opens it, and FRANCIS is standing in
doorway) Francis? (SUSAN stares at him, stunned- unable to move)
Hey, Susan. . . .
(to SUSAN) Honey, who’s that at the door? (DAVID’s face drops. Blackout)

The author's comments:

This is a group play we wrote for our Creative Writing Class. Written by Melia Gelinas, Madison Ashcraft, and Kayla Argenta

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