The Day | Teen Ink

The Day

October 5, 2020
By miller02 BRONZE, Mayfield, Ohio
miller02 BRONZE, Mayfield, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I woke up to a text saying ”Wear something that can get muddy and pack a nice outfit for later” from my boyfriend Zach, so I did. I put on my old Blue jeans that I don't wear that much anymore and my black tank top, and I packed a nice little outfit, my red dress the one that he loves. I got another text saying to “Be ready in 10 minutes!” I was so confused as to what was going on. I went downstairs and I asked my mom “Did you know Zach is getting me in 10 minutes?”

“Yes, I did.” I just looked at her and walked away.

I got my shoes on as he pulled up. He walks up to the door to get me. In his hand, he has flowers. When I opened the door, I asked him “What is going on, why didn't you tell me last night that we were hanging out today?” 

He responds with “Let’s go.'' 

I ask him “Where are we going?” 

“You will see.” he says. I get into his truck and he drives off to some random place.

 When we pull up I ask him “Where are we Zach?” 

“Come on,” he says back to me with a big smile on his face. He takes me to this barn and in front of the door are two four-wheelers sitting there. “Wanna go for a ride?” he said to me with a big smile, so I hopped on and we took off, we rode all over the place having fun and laughing, getting muddy and smelly. We stopped to look at the view, it was so pretty.  He looks at me with his sweet caring eyes and goes “Lets head back, so we can get cleaned up for dinner” so I shake my head ok, we head back to the barn and put them away. 

“Why did I have to bring a dress, are we going out to eat at a fancy place??” I asked him 

“Let’s get your stuff so you can take a shower and get cleaned up.” 

“Umm okay, but I didn't bring anything to clean up with, you didn't tell me too” I respond so confused but I go with it, maybe he is taking on a date? I don't know, he has been surprising me so much, like more than normal and we have been together for 2 and a half years. But hey I like it, I’m not complaining. He shows me the bathroom and how to start the shower, he hands me a towel, shampoo, conditioner, soap. I am still confused but going with it. 

“Don't go in the backyard till I come to get you.” he said sternly. 

“Why?” with a very confused face, he just walks away as I yell “Zach what is going on?”. So I just shut the door and take a shower, I get out and I brush my hair and blow dry my hair. 

As I was about to open the door he knocked and said “You ready?”

I replied “Yes!” with a smile.

“Okay, come on!” he said to me very excitedly. 

I follow him to the barn, he opens the doors and I see the little set up he made of a small table with candles and lights hanging up, so romantic. “Wait did you do this?” I asked him. 

“Yes, when you were in the shower, but the lights have been up all day though,” he said, 

“I love it,” I said with a big smile on my face. 

“Good,” he walks over to the table and pulls my chair out for me, so sweet. I sit and he goes and gets the food and we eat.

 I had to ask him “Why did you do this?”

“For you,” he responds with and all I could do is smile and blush. We finish eating, he grabs my hand and I get up and follow him to his truck, he has pillows and blankets set out, to stargaze. “Come on, We are going to watch the stars” 

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