Amore Mio | Teen Ink

Amore Mio

September 19, 2022
By Anonymous

“Mrs. Jackson, Can you please send Bella Eversting to the front office? Thank you”

I heard my name on the intercom as my teacher scurried to her desk to write me a pass.I grabbed the piece of paper from her cold hand and slowly stood up. My legs were shaking as I slowly shuffled to the door. I've never been in trouble before. Arriving at the office I sat in the chair across from a boy. He had long dark hair and green eyes. His eyes slowly landed on mine and I couldn't help but look away.

“Bella Eversting”

I heard a familiar voice call my name and I slowly started walking towards it with my head hung low. I walked into the first office to the right and instantly looked at the powerful man in the chair behind the desk. He gestured his hand to the chair to the left wanting me to take a seat.

“Bella, don't worry you're not in trouble, I need you to translate. We got a foren exchange student from Italy and sadly he doesn't know much english. I was also hoping you would teach him more.” Relief flooded my head as I could just simply nod. “Bella, I need a vocal answer”

“Yes , I would happily translate and tutor the new student, sir.” 

I could tell the powerful man could see my fear about what was going to happen next. He gave me a reassuring look as he called in the receptionist. 

“How can I help you sir?” Her voice was calm as she spoke.

“Can you bring in Emiliano? Please?”

She nodded her head and quickly walked away. I heard a name called and she was right back behind me. 

“Bella this is Emiliano” 

"È bello incontrarti.” He spoke so beautifully, it was so gentle and kind. 

“He said it is nice to meet you.” 

Staring into his green eyes I heard the principle talk again

“Ask him what grade he is in.”

I did as I was told, his eyes left mine and instantly went to my lips.

“Che classe fai?”  

He looked a little confused as he answered as if he didnt know what I asked.

“Io sono al secondo anno.”

“ He is in his second year.”

The principle looked confused as if I translated it wrong.

“He is a sophomore” I clarified looking down at my folded hands. 

“Thank you Bella, do you mind showing Emiliano around the school?”

“No I don't mind” I replied getting up from my seat.

“I come?” Emiliano said, pointing to himself. I can tell he's really trying to fit in. 

“Sí” I replied as he started to stand.

 I grabbed his schedule from the principal and started to guide him to his first class. I walked him into a classroom with only one teacher in it. 

“La tua prima classe è inglese”

He nodded as I walked him up to the desk and told him that was his teacher. She knows both English and Italian and will teach him how to speak English fluently. After they got acquainted, we walked to the rest of his classes. Once done with the tour I gave him my number and told him to text me anytime. Walking back to class I thought about how beautiful his green eyes were. I could see the conflict that arises. I didn't realize how long I was with him, it was already 7th hour. Sitting in class all I could think about was him. Walking out to the car my mom could see the emotion and conflict on my face.

“What's wrong?” She asked. It's not like she actually cared.

“I had to show the new kid Emiliano around school.”  

She looked at me with a concerned look.

“Who is this Emiliano kid?’’ She asked

“Emiliano is the new foriegn exchange student. He doesnt know English, just Italian so I was asked to translate and show him around.”

My mom looked mad as if I was doing something wrong. Bringing my attention back to my reality I saw I got a text.

Emiliano: Hello Bella, are you ok?

Me: Yes, I'm ok. Are you using a translator?

Emiliano: Yes, it is an important time. I needed to make sure you were alright.

Me: Oh well, how was your day?

Him and I texted for a few hours that night. There's just something about him that makes me so comfortable. I don't know if it is his personality or the green eyes that remind me of my father. He passed away 2 years ago and that is one thing that always stuck with me. He was always there for me. *Knock Knock* 

“Hunny, are you okay?” I heard my mom say from behind the door

“Yeah mom i'm good, ust on the phone”

She slams the door open and grabs my phone.

“Why are you talking to this emiliano? I told you i didn't want you talking to him anymore” 

“Mom, he makes me feel like a person, he makes me happy and actually I want to go to school. Please don't make an impression till you meet him.” 

“Fine, invite him over.” she said furiously “Now go to bed!”

*** The Next Day***

“Buongiorno Emiliano” I said as I walked up to Emiliano. He replied with the same good morning I gave him, he sounded upset. 

“Are you okay?” I said in hopes he would understand.

“Sí” He replied. It sounded fake as he started to walk away with a frown on his face. I grabbed his arm pulling him back. 

“Teach me english, per favore”

All I could do was look at him, a smile started to form on my face

“Okay, we start now.”

“Va bene.”

We worked all morning on his English and he now knows how to have simple conversations. I could feel his curiosity. He wanted to know everything about English. I walk through all my classes with him and only him in my mind. Walking into Mrs.Jackson's classroom I hear my phone go off, DING!DING! It was him, I knew it had to be…

Emiliano: Hey Bella

Bella: Hi, are you ok? you seemed off this morning before tutoring

Emiliano: Yeah, i was just tired

Bella: oh ok

Emiliano: Do you want to meet up after this class?

Bella: Yes, I would love that. Want to meet in the North Wing?

Emiliano: Yes, I can't wait to see you 

Bella: I can't wait to see you either

Emiliano: Okay, I have to go now. Have a good class.

Bella: Okay, see you soon.

I put my phone down with the biggest grin on my face. I sat in anticipation as Mrs.Jackson explained our new assignment. Soon enough this class was over and I headed over to the North Wing. Walking through the doors, I see him. He is looking down at his phone. I wonder what he is looking at. I walk up to him and grab his hands.

“Hello Bella” He said, his voice is so soothing. 

“Hey, how is your day going?”  I asked, it was a cliche question but I just wanted to hear him speak again.

“It has been good, it is better now that I am seeing you” A Shade of pink washed over my face. I looked down to not show the blush he has caused. 

“Look at me Bella” He said, heat flooded my face as I looked him in his eyes. I wanted to know what he was thinking, what he was feeling. I wanted to know it all. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him as if embracing me into a hug, but this was different. We continued to look into each other's eyes. I wrap my arms around his neck as his other hand goes away from my face to his other on my waist. 

“Ti posso baciare?” Did I hear that correctly, did he really ask if he could kiss me. I nodded my head and he got slightly closer. “May I have a verbal yes?” His voice quiets as he whispers in my ear. 


I said under my mumbled staring into his emerald eyes. I felt a cool chill down my back as he pulled my head to his. Our lips connect and I pull him closer. He quickly pulled away and all I wanted was his lips back on mine. I grabbed the collar of his shirt to pull him back to me and slam his lips into mine. We moved in sync at a slow leisure pace, it only lasted a few seconds but the feeling lingered long after. We pulled away, I could feel my face burning red. 

“Will you be mine?”

How could I say no to that? 

“Yes, will you be mine?” I replied, his smile grew more as he nodded his head  “I have to go to class but do you want to come over for dinner tonight?” I asked, I didn't know what my mom would think about the new relationship but it didn't really matter. I wanted to be with him and he wanted to be with me. He looked up in thought. 

“Yes, I don't think I have any plans”

***later that day***

“Hey Bella, do you mind helping me cook dinner for tonight?”

My mom asked as I ran into the kitchen.

“Mom, Emiliano is coming tonight, I'm excited for you to meet him.”

“Okay honey, I know you like him but it will never last. Take it from me, after all mothers know best.” She has been quoting Tangled since I was young. 

“It might last with him, I'm hoping it will.”

About 45 minutes later I heard a knock. I ran to the door in excitement as I grabbed the cold handle and swung it open only to see Emiliano. 


“Hi, please come in.”

I showed him around and went to introduce him to my mom.

“Mom, this is Emiliano.”

I felt a rapid beating in my chest as she shook his hand.

“It is a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Eversting.”

“The pleasure is all mine.” She said  “Anyone who can make my daughter happy is always welcome.”

***3 Months Later***

“Hey mom”

“Hi guys, how was school?”

We both told her it went good

“Mom, do you mind bringing us a snack?” I asked

“Sure, i'll be in to give it to you in about 10 minutes”

“Okay thank you Mom” I looked at her with a smile on my face and told her we were going to do homework in my room. I grabbed his hand and took him back there and we started more English lessons. He has already learned a lot in this short amount of time

“Bella, I need you to know. Penso che mi sto innamorando di te”

“What Emiliano, I don't know too much Italian.”

He sighed, I knew what he said and he knew it too. I just wanted to hear it in English.

“I said, I think I'm falling in love with you.”

Shocked, I looked him in the eyes and got a little closer, pulling him into a hug.

“I think I'm falling in love with you too.”

The End

The author's comments:

Amore Mio is a teen romance between a foreign exchange student named Emiliano and Bella Eversting. it is a heart warming tail of high school in a positive sence. 

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