The Defining moment part 1 | Teen Ink

The Defining moment part 1

December 5, 2012
By IndiaT.V SILVER, Edinburgh, Other
IndiaT.V SILVER, Edinburgh, Other
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Favorite Quote:
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — Mark Twain

Chapter 1
There is a defining moment in everyone’s life. That moment is what defines you for the rest of your life or is it? There is one ah-ha moment that changes you that is your defining moment. That is what you will never forget. Mine was when he pulled me on to the stage when all hell broke loose. He held me close to his chest and my heart skipped a beat, the room went black and I was safe but then the disapproving looks closed in. The stares of the two people whom we claimed to love before that moment. But from that moment on we both knew that wasn’t love. This was my defining moment and so far it has defined me. From that moment on I was known as half of one thing instead on myself. Here is an insight into how it happened and what happened next.
A few hours earlier

I was getting ready for my boyfriends first gig with the band that he played in. I had tried on about 50 different outfits but they weren’t right. I had no idea what to wear to a gig; I had never been to one before. Let alone I was also extremely nervous meeting Ty’s friends for the first time. Finally picked out my favourite little black dress and a leather jacket because it was the most gigish thing I had. I heard the gravel of the drive grind I ran to the window it was Ty’s older brother’s car I grabbed my bag and my keys and ran to the front door.
At first I didn’t recognise the man standing before me dressed head to toe in a chauffeurs outfit including the hat; it was Jake Ty’s brother. He smiled at me and said “Your chariot awaits”, he then gestured to the open door. I got in the car and the back of his car had had a transformation from fast food rappers to a limo like set up. There was Ty sitting there with two glasses of champagne he had obviously stolen out of his parent’s drinks cabinet. He gave me one kissed me on the cheek and said “Don’t be so nervous everything is going to be fine”.
“Amy hurry up we are going to be late,” I said in a dad like tone but I really couldn’t help it I was nervous. I was the lead in a band and that night we were having our first gig but I knew that there was something being planned by some dealers in the area because of Jonny who owed a lot of them a lot of money which wasn’t unlike him. I was worried for Amy’s safety; she was the love of my life. Amy finally came down from her bedroom. I was stunned at how beautiful she looked. I took her by the hand and led her outside to my Mums car and we just sat in the back seat and looked at each other, she looked at me with a supportive look as if to say everything was going to be fine.
We arrived at the gig at the same time as Ty and his girlfriend we all introduced each other. Ty and I were ushered back stage as we were band members and Amy and Scarlet were taken into the main hall and placed at the front.
I don’t really know what I had been so nervous about all of Ty’s friends seemed really nice and so did Amy; Harry’s Girlfriend. The gig was obviously a sell out. Then we both saw a familiar face. It was Jonny making his way through the crowd but almost everyone he had walked past looked like they wanted to kill him. He came over and both Amy and I gave him a hug but you could tell something wasn’t right. He said to us “be careful tonight girlies the shits going to hit the fan”. We just dazed at him in confusion but before we could ask questions he was gone. But if I know Jonny at all then he will have screw a lot of important people in his business over which are never good as it could end in him getting a serious beating but that is the nature of his game.
Harry came out on stage and announced “thanks for coming, we are The Avenue.”They started up with an original “When hell breaks loose” which I had never heard before but before they got into the first verse hell really did break loose. It started with a punch and ended in a fully fledged brawl. Ty was in the middle of the fight Amy had disappeared but I felt a hand take mine and pull me onto the stage; it was Harry. I got onto the stage and for a minute it was like time stood still. We felt the piercing looks of Amy and Ty who were standing at the sage exit; we ran but after that moment nothing would be the same. From that moment on two lives had been fused together by one moment that it all it takes to fall in love.

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