I miss us. | Teen Ink

I miss us.

March 22, 2013
By Anonymous

I thought we meant everything to each other. I thought that you'd do anything not to hurt me. You never told me that you'd stop trying, stop calling, stop caring. I kept waiting for the apology, or maybe I was waiting for you to come back to me and tell me it was all a joke. I see you with her now, it feels like a serrated blade slowly being pulled out of my chest. You look over sometimes, when you think I can't see, but I do. You don't look happy, but maybe that's what I make you feel like now.It's Like you want to say something, but then the moments gone. Snatched away quick as the wind. I miss you sometimes...always. I miss you walking me home, laughing with me, at me. I miss the smile that I used to give you. I miss you. I miss the way you used to tease me and hug me . I wish it was the same, but it's not. Everything has changed now, you promised me. You said that we would be friends forever. You ignore me now, walk straight by without a smile. I can't stand it. Her smile, your smile. Mixed together in a vile poison. I wish I was with you now. I miss you. I miss...us.

The author's comments:
Inspired by someone who meant alot, but they decided I wasn't good enough I guess.

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