For my first love | Teen Ink

For my first love

November 3, 2013
By Anonymous

I almost got into a car accident. Good thing someone came and rescued me. The happening was kind of fast. I was expecting a gentle word from him but instead he said I was clumsy and left. He is good-looking, his hands are warm but his words are not much of a gentleman. I’ve heard about him before but this is the first time I saw him. I felt something really weird. Is this what they call love at first sight? If that is true then he is my first love. One morning as I was studying for math, the teacher came with an announcement- there’s a student transferring in our section. That student came in and I was astonished. That student was the boy who saved me the other day. He looked at me but I pretended I didn’t mind. The teacher asked him to sit at my back and I felt uncomfortable. He instantly became popular while I am the opposite. If they will know that I like Evan too, they would just laugh at me. One night I wrote something about my feelings and unconsciously I placed it inside my bag. When I arrived in school the diary fell down and one of my classmates named Hannah which is by the way Evan’s twin sister, asked me, “Is this yours?” My eyes widened as I saw it and rush going to the locker. I hid it there safely. This time no one’s going to see it. My, that was close. Evan and I never change as days pass by. Not until this morning. Evan was helping me with my pyramid project when he asked me, “Hey, do you think rooftop is a peaceful place?” I answered him, “Yeah but you know I only go there secretly only when I’m feeling scared or lonely because students are supposedly not allowed in there.” He simply replied, “I see.” Break time that day Hannah came to me and said, “He stole my heart even the day we first met. He’s my dream. He’s my one true love…He’s my first love. It sounds familiar, isn’t it Sarah?” My face was all red. Hannah read my diary! I ran away with heart beating fast. Then I realized what if Evan already knows? Oh my I’m going to die. I ended up in the roof top. I was hoping to be at peace but I was wrong. Evan was there standing and glaring at me. I was calm at first but I saw him holding my diary. WHAT THE HECK!! I really want to yell at him. My body is shaking and I am so speechless. I suddenly want to pee. “Can we talk for a moment? “He asked me. I tried to escape but he keeps blocking my way. “Sorry but I need to go! I have…homework!” He responded, “We can do that later.” Then I thought of something else “Evan, Principal is coming! Students are not allowed in the rooftop remember?!” Then he replied, “The principal is absent today.” I am so embarrassed. This is the worse day ever! “Look, just let me say this! My…” I stepped his foot and ran away after I got the diary in my hands. Sorry Evan, I really have to do it. But wait a minute where is my name? And one more thing did I ever titled this diary “For my first love”? I was a fool! This is not mine! I read the first page and there I saw a picture of mine. It was the picture before I almost got into a car accident- the day Evan saved me. The picture has a written caption “My first love”. I think I get it now. I was smiling while having teary eyes. “As I thought you’ll just run away and make me chase you.” I heard a voice. As I turned my back it was Evan. “Why did you stole my diary?” He asked me. This is his diary? So that means… “Well I thought it was mine. Sorry about that.” I answered then asked him “Say, Did Hannah tell you anything about my diary?” He chuckled and answered, “No but you know, I prefer to confess on the rooftop. I even asked my stupid sis to make you go there” My heart was pounding as I reacted, “What?!” He smiled at me and spoke softly, “Don’t run anymore, okay?” I tried to hide my smile as he said, “My one true love…my first love…” then holds my hand gently, “is you.”

The author's comments:
This is a story about teenage love.

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