The Colors of a Heart | Teen Ink

The Colors of a Heart

December 5, 2013
By Anonymous

White was the innocence of that first “Hello”. No motives, no reasons. It was just an idea- an impulse. It was the color of your smile, the color of the moon, and the star I wished on asking for your heart.
Yellow was sitting next to you, talking to you, hearing your voice. It was like soaring on a magic carpet, a roller coaster ride I hoped would never end. It was the happiness I hoped would never leave, but sometimes it isn’t our choice.
The butterflies that met me the next time I saw you were orange- the jittery mess of happiness, nervousness and love. And they would greet me every time I thought of you, whispering “Isn’t this too good to be true?”
Next came the pink; the slow exchange of emotions between the innocent white of friendship, to the passionate red found in love. It was the color of my cheeks when you asked for my number.
Every time you found a new nickname for me, or accepted the things in me that weren’t pretty, my heart turned red. My thoughts, my emotions, everything- turned the most soft, glorious, blissful red.
But one day came the blue. You said you had to go- I understood, I knew it was for your own good. But even still all I could think was “Why?”
Purple was the color of my bruised heart as a continued to try to reach out to you. Hoping that you’d still come back for me one day. But soon you stopped replying, stopped picking up the phone- was I really that boring? Or maybe I was just a painful memory, something that could never be held.
I guess when you said a new life, you really meant new.
So your heart became white once again; but mine broke in two.

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