the time | Teen Ink

the time

June 10, 2014
By lovelife1 BRONZE, Rochester Hills, Michigan
lovelife1 BRONZE, Rochester Hills, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The first thing he did was made sure I knew what was going on. He looked straight into me, his ocean colored eyes beaming into mine, then my lips, down to my cleavage.
“I love you” he whispered” are you ready?” I didn’t reply. All it took was one look, the look. His head swooped down to my face kissing my lips. At first gently but suddenly turning powerful.
His music was loud enough for no-one to hear us but somehow us able to hear them. His room was freezing, but his body was warm. His bed was comfortable, and big, big enough for the both of us and more.
His tongue was in my mouth, his hands roaming my body. First, at my face then my hips, my legs, my breast and back to my hips to create a cycle. My hands were roaming his chest, his back and his neck, causing him to groan deeply but quietly.
I like this, I want more. Hurry up, ugh, please. His lights should be off, I think? God he better have protection. My favorite song is playing. Slowly our clothes came off. His shirt, my shirt. His pants, mine. My bra, his boxers.
Oh Jesus he needs to hurry up. He’s taking this so slow. I’m still freezing but he’s sweating. My mom promised me we’d go shopping tonight only because I just turned fifteen today. Too young.
“Wait!” I nearly shouted “I can’t, I mean, I’m not ready, I’m so sorry” he’s just staring but right past me. He’s still on top of me, his body weight against me. He sits up slowly grabbing his shirt
I slightly lean up on my elbows as he tosses his shirt at me, I throw it on. His shirts black, huge on me, but it smells like him which comforts me. He starts dressing. Still no words as he walks out. I’m sitting on the foot of his bed with his light in my eyes and his radio blaring.

The author's comments:
this piece is meant to stop controversy about the common teen girl rumor- if you start something you cant stop him. i believe many girls think there ready until they notice there not and then they feel trapped in the situation ,they will soon regret.

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