Terminal Love | Teen Ink

Terminal Love

February 9, 2015
By Jessica Delgado BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Jessica Delgado BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They both meet in school when they get assigned lab partners. They both really didnt know that school could bring them together in one day.

Chapter 1: Outcast

Love has a funny way of finding itself into your life. Sapphire was a weird Gothic antisocial teenager and Alex was the typical good looking rich boy in the school. Sapphire has just the outcast of her family however Alex was used to getting all the attention in school but at home it was like he didn't even exist.

Chapter 2: School sucks

One day Sapphire decided to actually go to class instead of wondering around the school with a fake pass. She went to class but she didn't even bother with listening to the teacher all she did was make fun of other people in her head.                                                                                                                                                                             Mr. Smith quickly interrupted her daydreaming, ‘’Okay class I’m going to take roll when I call your name please just say here’ ’When they said her name she just screamed out “Redrum” and everybody laughed except Alex. 

Chapter 3: Lovely

Alex was always in class although he didn't pay attention. He was also daydreaming when Sapphire decided to scream murder backwards in class. He started dozing off until Mr. Smith mentioned something about lab partners. Alex liked working in pairs because it meant someone else was going do all the work for him. He awaited for his name to be mentioned but he was surprised when he heard that Sapphire was his partner. Alex grabbed his things and rushed to sit next to the victim that was going to do all the work.

Chapter 4: Lab Partners?

Sapphire was shocked when she heard that Alex was her lab partner. Sapphire and Alex did not mix because they were the total opposite. Sapphire did not like working with Alex especially because she knew that he was going to expect that she does all the work. Class was dismissed and Sapphire was not happy but by the looks of it she could tell that he was.

Chapter 5: My house or your house

Alex followed Sapphire after class to talk to her about the project. Alex was really excited about this one because it was with a girl and he had never had a girl lab partner. “Hey, Hey you come here”, yelled Alex to Sapphire. She turned back in shock because she thought that he wasn’t going to talk to her and he would only expect her to do all the work. “Hey Samantha you shall come to my house today to work on the project with me “, said Alex.

Chapter 6: Cough Cough

“I cannot believe you just called me Samantha”, Sapphire exclaimed. “My name is Sapphire and if u ever call me something else I won’t respond and you will do the whole project by yourself”, said Sapphire.
Okay, Okay your name is Sapphire I get it”, yelled Alex. Alex stated, “Come to my house today so we can work on the project I  know it’s due in a week but the faster we finish it the faster you’ll get rid of me”.
“Fine I’ll go to your house for one day and as long as you leave me alone ill do the project myself and you won’t have to move one finger”, said Sapphire. Alex agreed event though I knew he was going to keep bothering me. As Sapphire walked away Alex grabbed her from the hand and scoped her up. “Let me down, Let me down”, Sapphire yelled.

Chapter 7: Alex's House

“I cannot believe you just called me Samantha”, Sapphire exclaimed. “My name is Sapphire and if u ever call me something else I won’t respond and you will do the whole project by yourself”, said Sapphire.
Okay, Okay your name is Sapphire I get it”, yelled Alex. Alex stated, “Come to my house today so we can work on the project I  know it’s due in a week but the faster we finish it the faster you’ll get rid of me”.
“Fine I’ll go to your house for one day and as long as you leave me alone ill do the project myself and you won’t have to move one finger”, said Sapphire. Alex agreed event though I knew he was going to keep bothering me. As Sapphire walked away Alex grabbed her from the hand and scoped her up. “Let me down, Let me down”, Sapphire yelled.

Chapter 8: Awkard

“Would you two like some dinner”, asked Alex’s mother. Sapphire face reddened with embarrassment. “No that’s okay I’m not hungry” Alex. Alex’s mother asked, “How about you sweetie”. “No that okay I’m fine”, Sapphire said. “Well I’ll leave you two to it” said Alex’s mother. When Alex’s mother left the room Sapphire smacked Alex’s arm playfully. “You didn't tell me there was somebody in your house” said Sapphire.
Alex answered,” I didn't know she was here”. Alex leaned in again and Sapphire back away this time. “What’s wrong”, Alex asked. Sapphire didn't respond and started to gather her things. “Wait don’t go”, Alex said in with worry. Sapphire kept ignoring him and put her sweater back on. “Sapphire answer me “Alex.

Chapter 9: In The End

“No this can’t happen Alex I’m so sorry”, said Sapphire. “Why not I like you and you like me right”? Asked Alex. “It’s not that Alex I have cancer and its terminal”, Sapphire exclaimed. “You look fine to me” Alex answered.  “I decided not to keep going with the treatment because my family couldn't afford it”, Sapphire. “I’ll pay for Sapphire” Alex. “No “Sapphire yelled. Sapphire started crying.
Alex rushed to her and gave her a hug. “Well since you won’t let me do anything I guess we won’t do the project and I guess I’ll just be with you till your then”, Alex. They hugged and stayed liked that forever.

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this piece is a song called 'Helena" by my Chemical Romance. That song always get to me so I decided to write a story inspired by the song.

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