The Grilled Cheese of My Life | Teen Ink

The Grilled Cheese of My Life

May 18, 2015
By Anonymous

All my life I wanted to own a home, not to live in it just to look at it. After all, homes aren't meant to be lived in, they are there for curb appeal. I realize now that living in a senior home was the best decision of my life, spacious, someone else feeds you, you're treated like a king here. I wish I decided to move here sooner if it wasn’t for an age requirement I would have moved here when I was 15. But life was different back then in the glory days. I recall the summer of 56’. Best summer of my life, that is the summer when I read 13 different books all in latin. Sure it would have helped if I spoke latin, but when your bestfriend is a book, you try your best to understand him. Personally, I am convinced that books aren’t all real life stories. I mean if they are then how could a man travel back and forth in time, or stop aging? The summer of 56’ sure was a doozy. I was in love that summer to a beautiful waitress at the local dive. I grew up in a small town, so that restaurant on the corner was a local gathering place for all the youths. Her name was Debbie, or was it Sussie, or Maddie? Well forget it, her name doesn’t really matter, let’s just call her Angelica. She sure was a beauty. I remember the time I ordered from her. You know what a Sonic looks like? Well, thats how the dive was set up. You drive up to park, press a talk button and order.  Anyway, The first time I pressed that button is the first time I heard her voice. At first I thought she was singing, but then I realized her voice was just that magical. After a while of being indecisive I asked her what I should order. She said she would surprise me. I thought to myself what she might bring, A hamburger with fries? A cheeseburger with fries? Hmm maybe just fries? I spent so much time thinking I didn’t notice that she was standing right next to my car window. I looked at her face. She was an angel. Her hair was a lighter brown, and her eyes a dark seductive blue. She gave me a big smile and handed me my order. It was a grilled cheese sandwich. I looked at it with joy, and with suspense. I wanted to see if the face of Jesus was burnt on it somewhere to prove my theory that she somehow was one of God’s messengers. I didn’t see any Jesus face so I looked back at her.

“Thank you” I said. I sounded like a nervus middle school boy asking a girl to a dance
“No problem” she said smiling at me with those alluring blue eyes.
I stared at her, and she stared back at me. Soon she looked very confused, and somehow weirded out. It took about a minute to figure out I needed to pay her. So while maintaining eye contact I grabbed my wallet from the passenger seat. I pulled out 5 bucks, I was going to tip her the rest.
“How much for the sandwich?” I asked still sounding like a middle school boy.
“Fifteen cents” She said, sounding somewhat sceptical, as if she was asking me a question.
I handed her the five.
“Keep the change” I said and trying to be cool I ended the sentence with “babe”
She took the five, turned abruptly and walked away. I looked at the sandwich and back at the window, closed it, and drove back to my house. I went back again three times but for some reason I never saw her again. I assumed she went back to heaven. Now that I think about it I haven’t eaten a grilled cheese sandwich ever since. I think thats what I will have after I go play bingo, you know they got nice bingo here. Last week my roommate won a nice catheter. Grand prize this week is a hoveround, might as well try to win it for my friend Dave, he’s been here for 10 years now. Dementia really gets you fat. Know what? I think I will go get that grilled cheese first, I’m really craving it. And there is that nice older lady whom I’ve heard makes them just right. They say she has the most beautiful blue eyes. Someone told me she used to work at a diner. I think I’ll go and see her myself, and get a taste of the grilled cheese one more time.

The author's comments:

This peice is about love and waiting for it after a long time.

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This article has 2 comments.

Cam_is_Away said...
on Jun. 14 2015 at 1:27 am
Cam_is_Away, Non, California
0 articles 0 photos 116 comments
Oh! Wait! Is that her in the senior home? The diner girl with the alluring blue eyes who makes the best grilled cheese sandwiches ever? Oh! I'm grinning uncontrollably now! Fantastic story! I cried here, I laughed there, wonderful job!

on Jun. 7 2015 at 10:27 am
ForeverxD34D BRONZE, Colorado Spring, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
' Nothing ventured, nothing gained'.

That was so amazing. I liked how you used his age to describe events