Zoey and The Dog | Teen Ink

Zoey and The Dog

June 1, 2015
By taylor.sigmon05 BRONZE, Hurdle Mills, North Carolina
taylor.sigmon05 BRONZE, Hurdle Mills, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once there was a girl named Zoey, she had a husband named John. John had a very bad drinking problem, when he would get mad he would hurt Zoey. One day Zoey and John were walking in town. John made Zoey very upset, so Zoey begans to run to an old river that her and her family use to go on to get there mind off of things. She found a dog, named Cody at the river. Cody was very sweet and loving dog, he began to fall in love with Zoey. Zoey takes Cody back to her house and tells John about Cody. The coversation does not end wel..

Chapter 1: Zoey and The Dog

One day Zoey and her husband were walking down the street of a small town on a very hot, humid day. Zoey had a long sweatshirt on and jeans, her husband was trying to force her to take the sweatshirt off but Zoey refused.
“John we are in public and if people saw me with all these bruises and scars they would call the police and get you locked up.” 
Zoeys husband was a horrible drinker and a really bad alcoholic. When John became to drunk he would hit Zoey, but she couldn't do anything about it because she loved him so much.
“Alright, Zoey.. when we get home we will settle this, now i'm going to go get some more beer.”
Zoey just stood and watch John as he walked to the liquor store. One tear fell down Zoeys face as she watched. She became scared and frightened. She knew that John was going to do something to her when they got home.
Zoey thought to herself “I should have never back talked him, I shouldn't have done that. He's angry, very angry.”
Zoey began to run. She was running straight to a trail near an old river. When Zoey was little, her and her family use to walk down the trail and get their mind off things. Zoey was very stressed out because of her husband, John. Zoey walked down to the river and there was a big rock near the edge of the river. Zoey sits down and starts to cry. Nobody was around, so Zoey takes off her jacket and starts looking at her bruises and scars. She lets out more tears as looking at the bruises and scars, but out of no where Zoey hears a sound in the woods. As she quickly wipes her tears from her face, she turns to see what it was. There was nothing there. As Zoey turns her head back towards the river a dog was sitting right in front of her.
“Awh, hey there big buddie.” Says Zoey.
The dog was pretty big for a dog, had silky, soft, black fur, with big sparkling eyes. The dog's eyes reminded Zoey of humans eyes, because of how gorgeous they were.
“Are you lost Bud’?” Asked Zoey.
The dog barked back and to Zoey it seemed like the dog said yes, but Zoey thought she was imaging things.
“Whats your name? Lets look and see if you have a tag or something.”
Zoey started looking on the dog's collar to see if there was a name of the dog, or if there was someone to call about the dog. They was a collar on the dog and it read, “Name: Cody” but there was no number to contact. The dog starts to rub against Zoeys leg and then looks at Zoey and it seemed like he gave her a smile.
“Well Cody, I don't want to leave you out here all alone. Would you wanna come home with me?”
Cody barked and gave Zoey another smile, but all of a sudden Cody runs off.
“CODY, NO! COME BACK! CODY!” Screams Zoey.
Cody came back running and was holding something in his mouth. When Cody ran up to Zoey he was holding a stick, Zoey sticks out her hand and Cody drops the stick in her hand. She looked at the stick really closely and it made the shape of a heart. Zoey starts to smile, but also thinks it could of been a mistake. Cody sees Zoey smile and he starts to bark and run around in circles.

Zoey and Cody start to walk to Zoey’s house. All threw the walk home Cody stood around Zoey, almost like he was guarding her. Every Time someone got closer to her, he would growl and bark. Zoey started thinking about about how Cody was being very protective and then when he gave her that heart stick. She felt that if Cody had some type of feelings for her but then she thought again and thought she was going crazy because she remember that Cody was a dog, not a human.

Zoey and Cody finally got home from their long walk and adventure. Before they go into the front door Zoey stops and says,
“Cody, I don't want my husband getting mad tonight at me or you. If he gets mad at you, he will kick you out the house and if he gets mad at me, he will hurt me.”
Cody looks at Zoey with a very confused look and then re-thinks what she said. Cody realizes that Zoeys husband will hurt Zoey, Cody gets a devious look on his face when Zoey says the words “Hurt Me”. Cody will make sure that doesn't happen.
“Cody you stay here for right now and let me talk to John about this whole thing and then you can come in.” Says Zoey.
Cody stays where Zoey told him to say and Zoey opens the door slowly while taking a deep breath.
“Hey Hun’, Im home.” Says Zoey with a smile on her face.
“Where have you been!” Says John while drinking his beer.
“Oh.. I.. Um.. I went to get me a water because I was so hot.” Zoey mumbles.
“I brought home a friend..” Zoey adds.
“And who is that!” Screams John.
“Cody.. a dog.” Says Zoey quietly.
“You better not get that filthy, disgusting animal in my house!” Screams John into Zoeys face.
Right after John starts screaming Cody creeps in the doorway to see what was going on. Cody was checking up on Zoey to see if she was doing okay.
“But he's really sweet and..” Says Zoey and not even being able to finish her sentence.
“I dont wanna hear it Zoey! I cant stand you not listening to me and my rules! Your supposed to obey me!” Screams John while holding his beer.
Cody seemed to get extra mad because he could understand everything John was saying to Zoey. Cody knew that Zoey should not be treated like this and if this argument between her and her husband got any worse Cody was gonna step into it.
“Im not your slave, John!” Yells Zoey.
As soon as Zoey said that to John, he looked at her and then took a sip of his beer, threw the beer down and grabbed Zoey by the arm. Cody creeped in even more and was about to attack. John Slaps Zoey straight in the face and then throws her down on the floor. Zoey bust out into tears instantly. Cody starts barking as loud as he could and then started growling. Cody runs straight towards John and jumps on him, knocking him down and started biting him and tearing his clothes to pieces. John is screaming for his life. Zoey watches the whole entire thing and then grabs John's keys and runs out the door calling Cody to come with her. They both jump into the car and drive off leaving John where he was. They drive all the way back to the river, Zoey didn't say a word the whole time but all you could hear from her was her crying her eyes out. They got to the river and Zoey runs out the car heading to who knows where. Cody is running beside her and not leaving her side. Zoey trips and falls over some branches. Cody goes over to her and starts sniffing her and seeing if she was okay. Cody looks at her and Zoey looks at him.
“Thank you Cody. You saved my life back there and also you made me realize that I don't need to be treated like that. I'm never going back there. Your amazing.”
Cody gives her a little smile and starts rubbing his head on her. Cody goes over to get a stick, grabs it with his mouth and then starts writing something in the dirt, it was dark so it was kinda hard to see. As soon as Cody is done writing the moonlight shines directly on what he put in the dirt.
Reading out loud Zoey says “I love you.”
She looks at Cody and gives him a big hug. 

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