Addicted To You | Teen Ink

Addicted To You

February 25, 2016
By Wavvy.Quann SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
Wavvy.Quann SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live Life

“You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear” Oscar Wilde. Ajay was a high school drop out with two reasons for returning back. One reason was to get the girl of his dreams, two was to impress the girl of his dreams for her to accept him.

“Yo Jay get up bro you can’t be late for school every day,” Shouted Blake. Blake is Ajay’s little brother, straight honor roll student and captain for the varsity football team at Glen View High School. “I’m your big brother you don’t tell me what to do,” stated Ajay. Ajay dropped out of school because he couldn’t handle the pressure, his mom recently died and now he has to take care of his little brother. Later that day in school Ajay was in class when he spotted Ashley. Ashley wasn’t that popular in school and she didn’t wear the latest trends she was different in Ajay’s eyes, she didn’t know that yet though.

“Hey Ashley I was wondering if you were able to go out tonight for dinner,” Said Ajay. Ashely smiled but at the same time wanted to know why her out of the girls that wanted Ajay, he asked her out for dinner and not one of the popular girl. “Why do you want me out of all the girls in this school, I’m not popular and not that pretty,” stated Ashley. Ajay moves close to Ashley and looks her in her eyes and says, “All I want in life is to be the reason behind just one of your smiles, you are the reason my face lights up the room when you enter the doorway and I want to be the reason behind your happiness, just once,” Stated Ajay. Ashely blushed, cried and shook her head yes to the dinner night.

Later on that evening Ajay was getting dressed when suddenly he hears a knock on the door. Ajay runs down stairs to answer the door, it was Ajay’s best friend Ron. Ron wasn’t a good person, he always gets Ajay in trouble. “Yo Jay I got this new car my mom brought it for me yesterday,” excitedly stated Ron. Ajay looks outside to see the car and states, “Man your mom didn’t buy you that car.” Ron laughs and says “I promise you she did let’s go for a ride 10 mins max.” Ajay gets a call from Ashely, “Hey Ajay I’m ready you can come pick me up now.” Ajay replies and says ok. Ajay looks over to Ron and says he has to go, but Ron has other intentions. “Look bro 10 mins please,” states Ron with a smile. Ajay doesn’t want to but he goes to get him of his back. 20 minutes later Ron is speeding in a stolen car with Ajay and the cops are chasing them. The car crashes and Ajay is rushed to the hospital with a broken neck.

“He’s Waking up,” exclaimed Ashely. Crying out in tears Ashley gently hugs Ajay and lays next to him. “I shouldn’t be here I should be at a restaurant with this beautiful girl here,” states Ajay to the doctor as she ask him what happened to him. “Well you’re lucky to be alive,” says the doctor. Ajay smiles and looks at Ashely and promises her that he will be with her till eternity and won’t make any more poor choices in life.

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