Old Stories | Teen Ink

Old Stories

March 29, 2016
By Anonymous

Today Isabell called me and asked if I wanted to come over. I said yes, because we hadn’t seen eachother for a while and I thought maybe things have changed over time, meaning that we could have a nice new start. Well guess what, I was wrong. Let me tell you how it went:
It was a Wednesday when I was at work and got a call from Isabell’s manager. He was letting me know that Isa invited me over for brunch on Sunday. He said, that she wanted to catch up a little bit. Me, thinking that we could leave the past behind us, I said yes.
On Sunday I got up and dresses, looking forward to some friend time and a nice brunch. When I arrived at Isas house I was speechless. She just moved because of the marriage to her knew husband some important CEO. I arrived at a gorgeous mansion, Trees all over the place a house with huge windows and an even bigger door or rather entrance. When I then rang the doorbell a nice small woman, probably in her early 60’s opened the door. She let me into an impressive Lobby. The ceiling had a huge painting on in. The wall was decorated with golden chandeliers and I felt as if I just entered the residenz of baron, it made me speechless. Well what was I supposed to expect!? Isa has always had a taste for the rich. Myself i just wanted to go back to my loft crawl into bed with my PJs and read my favorite books while listening to some music. Well that was not how it went. I was standing in Isabells house and thinking of her she came walking through a back door, stepping on a probably thousand dollar carpet. She looked gorgeous as always. Her hair was perfectly curled and with the white dress and high heels she wore it looked like she was shining.
Isabell: “Oh hello Lexi my dear! How nice to finally see you again. Let’s go out and have some breakfast!”
My dear?! Well I guess that is the todays language of the upper class and since I was starving I didn’t bother any further.
Lexi: “Thank You so much for the invite Isa!” 
Right after we sat down the older woman came walking in again. I assumed she was the maid of the house since she brought out some champagne. Was there something to celebrate?
Before I go on, let me tell you the story of how Isabell and me became friends though:
Our mothers were really good friends when we were still young. We grew up together and have always been best friends. Of course we had our ups and downs like every friendship, but basically we went through everything together. When my father first passed away, Isa was there to comfort me and when my mother got married again, Isabell was the one holding my hand to get through everything. We went on like that with every obstacle there was like for example the death of Isa’s beloved grandfather who passed away. They were really close and she had a rough time. Anyways, when we then grew older and went to junior high lot's changed. I focused on school and enjoyed learning, whereas she was more into fashion and her social status. We still hung out together, but when being around others I was more like her helping hand. Anytime something needed to get done ar Isabell wanted something I was important and otherwise she either ignored me or I just didn’t bother because I could’ve maybe lowered her status. I wasn’t “cool” enough. And don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I was a loner in school. I loved to hang out with friends that treated me nice and I enjoyed doing things beside school. But these things did not include going to parties and getting drunk, or having one boyfriend after another. I was and still am more the person that likes to go on an adventure and who likes to laugh about jokes.
Back then I was naive enough to think that Isa was still my best friend. Maybe it was because of habit, or maybe I did it because I was still aiming to belong into her group and have her status.
In high school she then started to let me down more often and at a certain point I just had to let go. My mother who still is friends with Isa’s mum supported all my decisions and strengthened me in my believes. Well and somehow now we are here. I guess I just wanted to see what it was like and if she might have changed, wanting to care more about others and start over. But let’s get back to the brunch:
Isabell: “So Lexi, tell me: How have you been?Gosh, its been years since I last saw you. You lolok so...cute…!”
Lexi: “Thanks Isa! I’m doing just fine. Actually I just finished my residency of becoming a surgeon. And you? How are you doing?”
Isabell: “I am great. A couple of month ago me and Jon married. He is the CEO of Carlson's the car factory. They design and built motors. That gives me the ability to work here and there. You know… I organize some Gala’s and some Charity Events and I really enjoy just being around the house. With Jon working so much I can lay back.”
Lexi: “That sounds, ahm, relaxing. And what about your plan of becoming a teacher? I always thought that was what you really wanted to do. I still remember the time we had our shadowing day in junior high and we went to Mrs. Maley's class.”
Isabell: “Oh well no, that was a long time ago. And really, with Jon working I like to just be around the house and be there for him.”
Ok, now it’s getting awkward. I really needed to change the topic.
Lexi: “So charities you said… What kind of charities are those? That sounds fun.” (more or less)
Isabell: “Well yeah. Now and then I organize charities in favor of a leukemia clinic through Jon’s golf club. But let’s not talk too much about me, I invited you over. Tell me, you said something about medicine!?”
Wow, that was something new. She actually asked about me. Usually it’s about her and she needs to be put all attention on.
Lexi: “Yes you are right. I went to medical school and then started my internship at the MGH in Boston and now I’m still there and just finished my residency. Now I’m looking forward to being an attending and I hope to climb the ladder to becoming a …
Dringgg, Dringgg, Dringgg...
Isabell: “Lex I’m sorry but I really need to take this!”
Lexi: “You are fine, just go ahead.”
Isabell: “Hello Jon honey. What’s up?  Oh really..? Hahaha that sounds amazing!   No way! I can’t believe it!”
I guess nothing has changed. One minute being nice and then there are better things going on. I’m just not going to bother. There is no way I’m going back there.
Isabell: “… Tell me all about it! For real? Is he there? Let me talk to him!”
Lexi: “Hey Isabell, if it’s a bad timing right now, I can just leave. I don’r mind. We had some time to catch up.
Isabell: “... Hang on real quick, ok!? I’ll be right back. Sorry Lexi, what did you say?”
Lexi: “I said that if it’s a bad timing right now and you want to have that conversation I don’t mind to leave. We had some time to catch up and I got to be back at the hospital in a couple of hours anyways.”
Isabell: “Are you sure? I’m very sorry. I’ll call you! Thanks for coming over!”
Lexi: “Yes, thanks for the invite. You get back to your call. I’ll suit myself out.”
Isabell: “Ok. Ciao, Ciao!”

I was mad. No furious. How was I so stupid to fall right back into it!? Of course I was just a small side amusement. This was really the best time to just go back home and read in my warm bed. But I wanted to stop by my mother’s house before. She always makes me feel better even if I don’t like admitting it. And she also has the Cosmo abo, which I steal when she’s done reading it. Every girl knows, there is nothing better than a day in bed with coffee some ice cream, good music and the cosmo.
Well that was not quite yet the case. First I really needed to stop by my mum. Maybe I’ll even crush over there, I had to be back at the hospital for a night shift anyways. When I arrived at my mums house I opened the door with my key. Out of habit I yelled:
“Mom, Honey, are you home?”
At first there was no answer, but then a stranger's voice answered after laughing out:
“No honey is not home.”
At first I was shocked. I froze and did not know what to do. A handsome, mid-thirty year old man came walking towards me. He wasn’t wearing a shirt and with had a big smile on his face. As he came closer he looked at me and asked:
“What can I do for you princess?”
Still frozen I tried to figure out, what a man of that age does at my mother’s house?! And where was his shirt? When I tried to go past him, to see if I could get a glimpse of my mother, he just randomly blocked my way. I couldn’t help it but look into his deep blue eyes which made me think he could look all the way down my soul. A couple of seconds later, just standing there, I got kicked back to reality. Where was my mother?
“Excuse me Sir, but would you mind letting me into my mother’s apartment! I need to talk to her.”
This was getting too much. First Isa in the morning who didn’t pay much respect to me, and now him. This day couldn’t get any better. If only I know where my mother was.
“I’m sorry princess, but I told you that your mother isn’t here.”
“Oh yeah!? And where would she be. Trust me, I know my mother she should be here right now!”
“So I heard…”
What was that supposed to mean? Does he know my mother? Oh man, don’t tell me that this again is one of her way to young lovers she likes spending time with, because “they make her feel young”. I didn’t care about any of that anymore. After my father died, me and my mum we were kind of alone. That was the time we got really close and in the end I just want her to be happy. And if “lovers” are her way of being happy, then she should go for it.
Right now I decided to just ignore the guy for the few minutes it would take for my mum to get here. I just got her a phone for her birthday. She is super excited about it and figures out more and more featyres every day. I texted her, to make sure she was on her way. It took a while and she said that she would be right there, that she just needed to pick up some food and bathings. I didn’t even wanted to get more into detail. First the “lover” and now so called “bathings”. Well but that’s my mum.
I didn’t mention the man to my mother because was hoping he would leave. I really needed some alone time after everything that happened and I wanted to rest before working later. Totally controversial though, he seemed to be as comfortable as possible and made attempts to talk to me.
“So princess, what is the story about you?”
My story!?
“I don’t really have any stories.”
“What do you mean? Everybody has got a story!”
“Not me I guess.”
“Alright. So… I don’t know. What’s your thing?”
“My thing?”
“Yeah. You know, everybody has got a thing. Like for example angelina jolie the pretty face. Or Lady Gaga the crazy women. Brad Pitt the handsome. So what’s, what’s your thing?”
“I don’t know. I like to think that there is more to a person, than just one thing. You know?!”
“Hm… Yeah. I never really thought about that.”
Why was I saying all this? He had some kind of effect on me I really didn’t like. I felt safe and protected. And his abs just put me into trance.
“So you are the popular Miss Lexi!?”
How does he know? This was really uncomfortable and I couldn’t wait for my mom to walk through that door. What was I supposed to say? I didn’t even know who he was.
“Yes, I’m Lexi. (this was getting too awkward) Sorry, but don’t you think you should leave. I don’t think you should just be here. Let me call my mother, the owner of this apartment.”
“ Did someone say my name?”
There she was. My gorgeous mother. She is in her mid-sixties but still looks like she could be in her late forties. Her long black curls are falling over her shoulders, framing her pretty oval face with the high cheek bones. But her beauty wasn’t pretty in a way I liked Isa’s face. My mother had a natural beauty with a hygienic look, where as Isabell looks more pretty in a designed way.
“Oh Lexi honey, I see you met Nate already!? I hope you were nice!”
Oh God that was embarrassing. But why did I even care?
“As always mum.”
“Well what brought you over today? I expected you to be at home sleeping. Don’t you have to work night shift tonight?”
“Yes mother I do, but I needed to talk to you. Alone.”
“Oh honey, don’t be so shy. Nate won’t bother.”

The author's comments:

Just had this idea and though I write it down in my creative writing class. But as you know, once you have a good idea you can't stop writing and then classtime wasn't enough either. So here just the bigging of a story I hope can go on for a while... Ideas a still coming to my mind. 

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on Apr. 1 2016 at 5:30 pm
Aaliyah02 SILVER, Pflugervile, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 33 comments

Favorite Quote:
" If you can dream it, you can do it"

Wait so Is nate the mums lover? I'm sorry I'm just a little confused...