Remember Memory | Teen Ink

Remember Memory

January 6, 2019
By Anonymous

It was exactly the 587,191 year, 12th month, 24th day, 14th hour, 13th minute and 30th second that I met Maria. 16 years, 11 months and 24 days old with unkempt brown hair and pale skin. Her right arm had deep gashes from a wolf and several of her bones were broken. She laid unconscious by the riverbed with tattered clothes, while she clutched onto a wilted flower. At the time I didn’t know why but for the first time in my long life I saved someone.

Looking at her I saw yet another person with a horrible past who would die a sad death. If I had left her she would definitely die like many others I left to suffer. Unlike the many others before however, I saved her. I carried Maria to my cabin and left her on my bed. After tending to her wounds I thought about what to cook for her. In the end I decided that stew just like her mothers would be best. Unfortunately knowing how to do something is different from actually doing it. I spent an hour trying make stew but before I could continue Maria woke up.

I said “I see you’re awake Maria. I found you unconscious by a riverbed and I carried you to my home.”

Maria replied confused “Maria? Is that my name? I can’t seem to remember much...”

After seeing Maria being unable to recall herself I asked her many questions. Even though she just woke up, she was rather calm and answered to the best of her abilities. From what I heard there were two things she had no recollection of at all; anything about herself and her parents. I decided it was best if she stayed with me for now and she agreed. After we were done talking, she noticed my failure of a stew behind me and was rather curious about it.

“Is that stew, miss um...”

“You may call me Zeruiah, unfortunately that can’t really be called stew...”

“Zeruiah? Well I can make some for us if you want.”

I was grateful for her offer and accepted it. After a long day, I took a short nap until Maria was done cooking. When I woke up I didn’t recognize my home at all. My cabin is usually a mess with books and dust littering the floor, but now it was all cleaned up with my books ordered neatly in my shelf. Outside my bedroom Maria was sitting at the table with a large pot of stew with two bowls. After seeing me awake she was startled and politely greeted me.

“Ah, hello Zeruiah. I’m glad to see your awake. I hope you don’t mind that I cleaned up the place.”

“It’s fine. Now that you’re living here, I can’t afford to be lazy about things.”

“Please enjoy the stew with me. Even though I don’t remember who taught me how to make it, I’m pretty good at it.”

“Thank you, it tastes amazing. It’s been so long since I had a meal like this.”

“Zeruiah, I don’t mean to suspicious to my savior but, I’ve been wondering a lot about you.”

“What do you mean Maria?”

“Well there’s your purple hair and unusual clothes. Your books had detailed accounts of from where I lived. Also when I woke up, you knew my name and were trying to cook the exact same stew I knew how to make. So who exactly are you?”

“I suppose it’s fine if I told you. I am the Goddess of Memories, Zeruiah. I remember everything about this world and its inhabitants. No matter how mundane someone’s life may have been, I still remember it. I record each and every life because to me they are all worth the same. When I saw your body by the riverbank, I saw your life as well. If you wish I can tell you your missing memories.”

“Please don’t tell me. I feel as if something or someone is telling me to find out myself...”

We stayed silent for the rest of the night and when we finished eating, she quickly went to sleep. The days afterward, she didn’t mention anything about her missing memories, but I could see how it affected her deeply. She was troubled, but didn’t know why, she felt as if she had regrets, but didn’t know what they were.

We would wake up early in the morning and eat breakfast. Afterwards Maria would accompany me on my daily stroll. When we returned in the evening I would record the past while Maria read some stories. This continued late into the night and we slept at midnight. Maria barely spoke at all during this time. Though my daily routine barely changed, it felt more lively. Maria didn’t want to be helped, but perhaps if I just give her a little push she’ll be fine with that. As a goddess I wanted to be fair and neutral to humanity so I ignored them, but now, I can’t bear to see Maria suffer so I decided to be a bit biased.

It has been a week since Maria moved in and her melancholy mood didn’t cease. As I woke up I could smell the stew that Maria made again. I greeted her with little effect.

“Good morning Maria how are you this morning?”

“Fine I guess.”

“Well if you’re done eating let’s go. There’s something I want to show you.”

“Are you sure you don’t wanna eat first?”

“No, you have to see this right away.”

“If you say so Zeruiah...”

It was exactly the 587,191 year, 12th month, 31st day, 7th hour, 28th minute and 50th second when we left my cabin. Most of the trees had lost their leaves, the leaves that were still standing were blanketed by snow. Even though it was chilly and snowing lightly, the sky was still clear. We walked for hours and though Maria wanted to complain about the weather she kept it to herself. Finally on the 11th hour, 41st minute and 53rd second we arrived to our destination, an unlikely sight at this time of year. A field of pink flowers were in bloom with a small layer of snow on top. When Maria saw this she cried she didn’t know why but these flowers were important to her, hopefully she could bury her regrets here. She hesitantly walked toward the field and picked a flower.

With flower in hand she said “T-This is...”

I replied “A Snapdragon, few flowers like it can bloom in this harsh environment.”

“My parents gave me a flower just like this before we were separated. We were attacked by a pack of wolves and my parents gave their life for me. Thank you Zeruiah.”

Maria spent a hour at that field. She talked with her parents about her time with me. She talked about times they had together. She apologized for getting them killed and hoped that they could forgive her. After Maria was done she walked toward me.

She said “Thank you again Zeruiah. I don’t know how I could ever repay you.”

“As long as you’re happy that’s all the payment I need. Though I wouldn’t mind if you stayed with me.”

“If it’s fine with you, then I’ll be with you for a bit longer. Lets head back, the stew’s probably gone bad.”

A long time had passed since that fateful day. Even though Maria’s time has ended, her time with me lives on. I decided to help many people just like Maria, people who had no hope in their life. I left that isolated cabin in the forest and used my memories to help humanity, be it wars or agriculture. Though I recorded many memories and events for humanity this is the one memory that I wish to kept for myself. I smile at the flower beside my desk though it has wilted years ago it still holds a special place in my heart.

I whispered with a sad expression “Thank you Maria.”

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