A New World | Teen Ink

A New World

February 27, 2019
By Anonymous

Commander Axton woke up because of the irritating sound of the alarm, then he quickly ran to the control center room of the spaceship to check what was going on and he found out that one of the four engines had failed. He put the ship in manual control mode because he knew that they were pretty close to the planet Kepler 62F. Commander Axton was sent on a mission by NASA to discover and live on Kepler 62F and send back the information to Earth. Mother planet’s population had reached 15 billion people which meant that an exoplanet was needed to be colonized in order for the human race to survive. Commander Axon had been working for NASA for over 13 years and he had only agreed to go to this mission if his kids were going with him. He was a tall, strong, and tough man with black and grey hair and also dark eyes and his kids were tall just like him. His 10-year-old daughter Luna had red hair and brown eyes and his 13-year-old son Apollo had brown hair and also brown eyes.  

Controlling the spaceship got harder and harder over time because of the gravitational pull of Kepler 62F but commander Axon didn’t lose hope. He did his best to land the spaceship

and at the same time calm down the kids who were watching. The space ship kept getting closer to Kepler 62F, but when it finally entered the atmosphere all the engines left started to fail one by one because of the powerful gravity that the planet had. Eventually, the spaceship fell like a huge chunk of an asteroid from the reddish sky with a huge crash.

Apollo and Luna got out of their seats with a mixture of feelings. They were wearing their special mission armor and listening to the commands that their father gave them about what to do and what not to do to stay safe in this new planet.

“Listen, kids. Stay close, never take your masks off and don’t touch anything until I tell you,”  said the father in a scary way.

He quickly opened the doors of the spaceship and the moment they walked out they knew that their lives were going to change forever.

The first thing that the family saw was the incredible red sky and also the greenish and reddish soil of this unique planet. They were amazed. They were all too shocked to say anything so they just stood there for a while, gazing at their surroundings. As they explored and went

further into the flat savanna they noticed that there were little exotic animals around that looked like the dinosaurs on Earth which now was celebrating the beginning of 2904. Kepler 62F was a super-earth exoplanet where life was formed because of the good amount of greenhouse gases as well as the water and food resources.

Commander Axon wanted to make sure that there was no danger near them such as a predator. He took some samples from the ground and took it to the laboratory in the space ship, which had breakthrough technologies, and started searching about what kinds of species may live


on Kepler 62F. The results shocked the commander because the reports mentioned that there was a possibility of human-like creatures existing on Kepler 62F. He also found out in the same report that the animals in their area of Kepler 62F were pretty small and were not going to cause them any trouble.

“Kids, we need to go outside and find out if there are human-like creatures around to be sure. The only way to do this is by exploring and searching for clues.”

“I wish that mom was here,” Apollo answered.

 Commander Axon acted like he didn't hear anything as his dead wife reminded him of painful memories and kept walking quietly but his grief was enough for Apollo to notice.  

While they were exploring and looking around, Apollo called out that he found a footprint, not only one but many and when the commander saw it he couldn't believe his eyes! It was just like a footprint that would belong to a human and he told the kids that they were going to follow the footprints to find the humans of Kepler 62F. After walking for one hour they got to the entrance of a cave. They decided to go in, but the cave was as dark as the space that they have lived in for many years. Commander Axon heard strange noises and then Luna screamed. He called out her name, but he got no answer.

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on Mar. 26 2019 at 8:11 am
starfeather PLATINUM, Olathe, Kansas
21 articles 0 photos 62 comments

Favorite Quote:
AD ASTRA PER ASPERA- to the stars, through difficulties.

Ooh, cliffhanger! I love space, so I really like this sci-fi story. You might want to go over your story and make it flow a little more, though. It read a little choppy, sort of like a textbook at the beginning. But it shows promise! Keep writing!