Sci-Fi story | Teen Ink

Sci-Fi story

April 10, 2019
By Anonymous

“No Mark, I do not want anything done to my baby!” Alethea exclaimed as she held her new born baby Alice.

“Why not this is something that could be good for us in the future, especially since we don’t know what could happen,” Mark said “Can we just have the doctor come and explain it again one more time to see if he can convince you.”

“Okay fine.” Alethea said after asking the nurse to bring in the doctor once again.

For two days there had been a lull in the fighting over doing this to the baby and Alethea never liked fighting so it was very hard for her to be making a big decision knowing there was dispute between her and Mark.

“I was told you needed to speak with me Mr and Mrs Martinez correct?” Doctor Palmer asked.

“Yes doctor you can call me Mark, my wife here is ambivalent about whether she wants the procedure done to our baby or not, can you please go into detail about everything from what it’s about to what the benefits are and how this is something good for us in the future?”  

“Yes i’ll be more than happy to.” Doctor Palmer said as he sat down opening his computer.

“So the whole point of this is for people to connect with their loved ones after they have passed away, now this procedure can be done on anyone at any age given the fact that there’s many older people who want this done to them but we highly recommend it to be done on newborns, we call this “Virtual World”, the point of this is that everyone has a mind scanner implanted in their brains at birth. The instant someone dies, their brain is scanned and their mind is uploaded to the virtual world. if you want to visit a dead relative, all you have to do is go online.” Doctor Palmer said with a smile on his face.

After hearing this, Alethea had a thousand thoughts going through her mind. Should she do it? This could be something good for the future but what would be the effects of it now? As much as she thought about how bad the idea was, something in her mind kept telling her to do it, and as much as she tried to focus on the negative she always ended up thinking about how good this idea was.

“What will the baby have to go through rn to be able to get this procedure done?” Alethea asked       

“Well that’s a good question, everything starts when she is at least 1-2 weeks old, so that would mean you would have to stay here an extra week or more depending on how the whole thing goes, but since baby Alice was born a few weeks earlier than expected that so we would have to wait a couple more weeks the start the procedure.” Palmer said with a worried look on his face.                                       

“Is everything okay doctor?” Mark asked

Doctor Palmer then realized that the baby was born premature: the process would take even longer than just a few weeks.  He didn’t know how to tell them that they were gonna have to stay a long time in the hospital with the baby: breathing tubes would have to be put in her, to help her breath; Lung tubes, to help with the problems she had as she grew; and the multiple IV’s, to give her blood that she is in need of. He didn’t want to worry them or bring conflict unto them but he also didn’t want to keep this from them.

“So now that i’m thinking the baby was born premature so that would mean spending more than 2 weeks here possibly a month depending on how the baby does, then after that begin the whole process.” Doctor said

“Okay thank you Doctor can you give us time to think.” Alethea said

“Of course I don’t want to rush anything on yall but I will be back in a little to check on the baby.” Doctor replied as he was walking out

The room was pure silence until Alethea said “Let's do it!”

Mark was shocked and very confused, “Didn’t you just tell me you thought it was a bad idea?” he questioned

“Yes but I really do think this is something good maybe not now but in the future in case something were to happen.” she replied

And so then the process begun. 2 months later they were finally home and baby Alicia was healthy and growing.

18 years later after a party Alicia went home with a couple friends and unfortunately died. Nobody expected it but her mom was beyond thankful they did the procedure when she was little, now they can go visit her online.

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