The Expanse | Teen Ink

The Expanse

April 30, 2019
By Zaher28 BRONZE, Davie, Florida
Zaher28 BRONZE, Davie, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dots of pure light shine through the endless cape of black.

E turned around, his orange, tanned skin gnashed and clawed from his previous run-in with the Singers, to face the New.


For the love of the Silver Light.

No sound emanated from his mouth. He had forgotten the strange properties of the darkness that abounds here. The people from The Parade had called this place “The Expanse”, and the name was fitting too. The explorers of The Parade had tried to cover most of The Expanse, but it turned out impossible. Not only did it seem infinite in size, but there was also no way to determine location and direction once you were far enough away from the two broken glass doors that marked the entrance. The explorers didn’t want to risk getting lost. In a place as horrendous as The Expanse, getting lost means death.

The New stared at E, waiting for a sort of sign or signal. E raised his right hand, stitched with the symbol of a closed eye, and pointed towards one of the white dots. His eye opened; The New stepped back in surprise. E wasn’t used to so much commotion, he was now thankful for the silence.

The white dot shone brighter; E could feel himself running out of energy. Using his arcane eye took a lot out of him. With only the light guiding them, The New began walking absentmindedly. E lowered his arm and sighed; he didn’t like this, yet it was necessary. If they survived, then they got another Silverite; if they didn’t … he couldn’t really find a good effect to that.

E headed to the glass doors, and touched one of them with his palm. The glass, kept within the door, escaped. He had never gotten used to this. The glass formed a line, flew behind him, and stabbed him through his back.


His screams couldn’t be heard in The Expanse. Nothing could be heard in The Expanse. E fell onto his knees, and exhaled his last breath.


E took a breath of relief; His neutral expression turned into one of anger. He could hear laughter.

“Oh my god, yo-you should have seen your face E! Oh my Silver Light! I can’t— I can’t breathe!”

E sat upright and got off the marble table. He stared at Jex until she stopped laughing.

“Jex…” he said slowly and in a low voice.

Jex finished laughing and with a huge grin responded: “yes?”

E raised his hand. Jex’s eyes went wide, and as she began speaking to protest, her form shrank until she was nothing more than a purple rabbit.

“Screw you Jex.”

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