The Town of Alexandra | Teen Ink

The Town of Alexandra

May 16, 2019
By Anonymous

It was just like any normal day in Alexandria, Virginia and here lives a very different girl and my name is Sasha. She works an everyday job as a nurse at the hospital. One of my doctors is not fond of her at all he thinks there is something she is hiding. His name is Dr. Adams and he is the doctor that works on my floor of the hospital. A lot of people think Sasha just some normal girl but deep down she has an interesting secret that no one knows about because she keeps it hidden until she really needs it.  If you all are wondering what is so different about her? She is able to turn invisible and creep up on people.
Sasha is scheduled at work today. So Sasha lives thirty minutes away from her work. Sash finally gets to work and figures out something odd. None of the nurses or doctors are her yet except for Dr. Adams and a mysterious person. This mysterious person looks so familiar. So Sasha decided to use her power to sneak around to see what was going on. Something went wrong...
Sasha tried to turn invisible but it wouldn’t work. She thinks to herself that's weird and that has never happened to me before. She continued to walk around the hospital floor and saw Dr. Adams lying on the floor and he was stab. Who could’ve done this...ITS MIGHTY MASTER. Little does he know he just killed Dr. Adams and now maybe I can be the lead doctor. He killed two birds only using one stone.
Sasha quickly runs and hides so she can call some people to help her out. Sasha heads to an on-call room and locks the door and keeps quiet. So Mighty Master continues to walk around to try and find Sasha. Sasha called her team and Mighty Master will not be able to fight back this time. The automatic doors open and here comes The Lightning he has the power to strike anyone with lightning and kill them instantly. Lastly, Sasha told Doctor Moon to come in the back way of the hospital to sneak up on Mighty  Master because he might debunk her power if she comes in the front entrance. Doctor Moon has the power to inject people with poison that makes there body go numb for two minutes straight.
Sasha hears the automatic door open and runs out quickly to team up with The Lightning so he didn’t have anything bad happen to him. They both go back into the room and quickly call Doctor Moon to see where she is. She said, “I am almost to the back entrance door”. Sasha and The Lightning hear footsteps do they quickly turned the light off in the room and sneak out of the room and we got him cornered. Now, all we have to do is wait for Doctor Moon to do his magic. So we get a rolly chair and some IV lines and we tie him up as best as we could. Finally, Doctor Moon quietly walks in and gets her needle out and slowly walks up to Mighty Master and injects the poison into his side. They both help untie him from the rolly chair and lay him on the ground and wait until he wakes up. They waited about 2 minutes for him wake up. Sasha asked him “why are you doing this to me”? He responded, “I want to ruin any chance of your career as a nurse and a superhero”. Little does he know he made it better…He saved my career. Finally, Sasha yells at The Lightning to strike Might Master and he did. All you hear is a loud scream.
Finally, it is finished Dr. Adams is dead and so is Mighty Master. Now it is Sasha's turn to be the head doctor. The Lightning and Doctor Moon also are nurses and work with Sasha. Sasha is going to make them both be head nurses and made them her sidekicks as well for future journeys. Sasha thought deep down that she was going to die but if she didn’t have her team then that would’ve happened to her. Now Alexandria, Virginia is now safe and no one has to fear about Mighty Master coming back and destroying their town once again.

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About a hero's journy

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