The Big Bang Burst On The Other Universe | Teen Ink

The Big Bang Burst On The Other Universe

June 8, 2019
By Anonymous

New Year was about to come and the whole world was busy in the decoration of their homes, streets, cities as well as countries. A sudden big bang burst sound was heard by the whole world. The sound wave revolves around the earth three times (approx.). All the organisms on our earth got totally shocked by the sound.

All the space agencies started working together to find how and why the sound came? The amazing fact about it was that no radiations and no sound were recorded in the machinery system. Suddenly a scientist noticed that there was a white crack in the red spot of Jupiter planet. After that something happened which was never thought of……?

A white fog-like gas was getting released out of that crack. It was covering Jupiter and was coming closer to earth. Slowly the color turned black and it seemed like a black hole. Our earth was getting pulled with its high gravitational pull. The sky was turning black and the earth was getting submerged in it. All the people of the earth were in the fourth dimension.

The earth was changing its shape every 10 seconds from sphere to the cylinder and then to cone and so on... Thankfully even though the earth was shaking no disaster had occurred. Finally, our earth reached a new universe named IE527. The aliens of this universe were very kind.

Firstly aliens, as well as people on the earth all were afraid but later aliens said the whole story. One of the aliens named CKT11 told the story “we were observing the earth for a long time, as our technology is more advanced than yours. So we got the information that your universe is going to burst (according to big bang theory). So as friends we helped you.

While aliens were roaming on earth they have noticed lots of plastic and as the plastic was their food so they have taken all the plastic from the earth by plastic vacuum pump to eat. On the earth hand when people were roaming on an alien planet named Aster than they observe lots of plants as food. So the planets exchanged their waste as food because of this exchange our as well as their society got sufficient food and had no problem regarding food. Moreover, all the problems related to global warming got over.

Later on, the planet Aster and earth become good friends and shared their technologies and lived a new good life.

The author's comments:

This is my First Micro science fiction. This fiction enables readers to live in the other place and interact with new life species. It raises a common issue of plastic pollution and also gives an ironical solution to it.

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