The Four Keys and A Lost Bunny. | Teen Ink

The Four Keys and A Lost Bunny.

February 18, 2021
By Anonymous

The Four Keys and A Lost Bunny.

It all started when I was thirteen years old. My parents, my two siblings, and I went to Europe because Peter, my twin brother, and I had just turned thirteen. My parents named each of us after the characters from the movie Peter Pan. My name is Wendy. I have blond hair and blue eyes. My brother, Peter, and I almost look alike, but he has green eyes. Everyone was so excited for the trip. We went to the airport and got on the plane. Paris is so far from California. I sat next to my younger brother, Michael, on the flight. During the flight, Michael had lost his stuffed bunny and cried the whole time. My irate brother, Peter, was not happy, but my mom managed to put him down for a nap. 

When we arrived in Paris, one of the flight attendants told us that they had lost my luggage, and they said that it would not arrive till tomorrow. An altercation broke out between my dad and the flight attendant for twenty minutes until we decided to just go to the hotel. When we were about to get a cab, someone who worked at the airport ran up to us and said that they had found our luggage under another bag. I grabbed my luggage, and we headed to our hotel. 

When we arrived at our hotel, I went to grab a change of clothes from my bag, and I realized that my clothes were not there. I saw nothing but a locked box inside the bag. My younger brother ran into the room, grabbed the box, and threw it on the ground, thinking that it was a toy. When the box opened, there were four keys. Soon after that, my parents discovered a name tag on the bag. It said Sarah Belk with the address 4459 Main Street, Paris. We ran to a cab and headed to the address.

 When we got there, there was no house, just a mailbox. One of the keys opened the mailbox, but there was nothing in it. A car pulled up soon after we arrived, and the person in the car asked us if we were the Johnsons. The man in the car gave us a package; it said from Sarah Belk. When we opened the package, there was a letter. It said, “ Go to a place that is well known, and you won’t be alone. Through this journey I will leave you help, good luck. -Sarah Belk.” We knew exactly where to go. We jumped in the cab and headed towards the Eiffel Tower.

 When we got to the Eiffel Tower, we got in the elevator and started going up. When we got to the third floor, there was a room with a lock. I looked at the keys and realized that one of the keys fit the lock. When we entered the room, there was a girl. She said, “ Welcome Johnsons, we have been waiting for you. Do you have the four keys?” My mom replied, “Yes, we do. Who are you?” The girl responded, “ I know you all are confused. I am Sarah Belk. Two months ago before my father died, he told me that I had a sister who was put up for adoption when I was young.” Then Sarah said that she had searched all over and realized that my mom was her sister. She had set up this whole hunt to find us. Then she gave us a letter from her father. 

When we opened the letter, it was her father’s will. He had left us his whole mansion. That was what the third key was for, the house. My mom had always admonished me not to trust a stranger, but this person was no stranger, he was my grandfather. We got in the car and went to the mansion. When we got there, my bag was on the porch. We had a hard dilemma to solve:  stay here or go back to California. We decided to stay in Europe and live in my grandfather's mansion. “Ugh” I said to my mother. “We still don’t know what the last key is for.” She said, “I guess it is still a big mystery.”

The author's comments:

It is about a Girl who learns a secreat about her family history.

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