Astro Dad | Teen Ink

Astro Dad

May 13, 2021
By Anonymous

    15 years ago, on the night of the 5th. Some people don’t think much of this day, but to astronauts it means the world. On the night of the 5th the arrow pointed east. The arrow represented the planets aligning. To astronauts this meant that it was time to go to the moon. Planets aligning was a very rare and important thing. More than just planets aligning it also represents a year of wealth, luck, and transformation. Only people that found the arrow and came into contact with it would be able to be blessed with these things. After centuries of misfortune and nobody finding the arrow hope was lost everyone was convinced that the arrow didn’t exist, that it was a myth.

Living in the village, a young boy was milking a cow. He was always interested in astrology and celestial things from space. He always watched the rockets go up hoping to one day, see one with people in it come back from space. Sadly though, going to space was like a death mission, no one has ever come back from space and the scientists at the Moonlight Space Station(MSS) kept secrets from the rest of the country. There was someone that once went up into space. His mission was to make it to the moon and collect samples for the scientists back on Earth. The astronauts’ name was Ian Killenger. He had a family, he had a wife, he had sons and daughters, and he gave that all up just so he could explore space and do good for the MSS. He was a brave man, courageous as well. Everyone was so excited the day that he left, everybody also having full hope that he would come back down.

7 years later. His eldest daughter had just turned 23 the rest of his 4 children each about 2 years behind one another in age. The youngest having no recollection of his father, never knew that he even had one. The younger middle child, only remembering a memory of two of his father never questioned who he was. He always thought he was just an old family friend that had passed earlier and he didn’t remember, or so, that’s what his mother told him. The second oldest, she was quiet, but extremely smart. She, though, remembered a lot of her childhood. Maybe not every detail, but from the ages of 5-12 she knew him. She had to have a surgery done though, so she forgot before, after, and some of those years of her life in between were gone. The oldest, she was outgoing, never home, knowing who her father was and where he ran away to. The mother though, she thinks about him everyday, hoping one day he’ll return and say “I’m home!” like he always used too. Knowing the slim chance of that happening though, she still wishes anytime she saw a shooting star passing by the night sky.

This family’s last name was Killenger. Yes, their unknown father was Ian Killenger. His children’s names were Maria, the eldest daughter and child, Emily the second oldest, Timothy, the younger middle child, and Joseph, the youngest child of Ian Killenger.

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