Alone Together | Teen Ink

Alone Together

October 13, 2021
By cj0299605 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
cj0299605 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

After a very long day of summertime fun with their family, fourteen year old Jimmy, and his fifteen year old brother Rick go to sleep knowing that the next day will be just as exciting. After nine hours of good and long rest, the boys shot up from their bed like bullets from a gun. On top of the energy gained from their sleep they gained even more energy after realizing the fact that their mother was going to make her homemade pancakes. The two brothers stepped out of their room, but didn’t hear the sizzle of the pancakes, they didn’t smell the scent of pancake batter being cooked, they didn't hear their mothers voice singing to a melody as she usually does. Since their mother was not home, they stepped outside to see their father feed the hens, but he was not there either. The fear of not having their parents took over their mind, and they began to cry out for their mom and dad by name, “Martha!”, “Vin?”

 After a few hours of unknown neglect from their parents, Timothy Jones came running up to the two brothers' house and exclaimed that no one in town could find their parents. Many of the kids of the town rejoiced , while the wise ones worried about what would happen to the town without its leaders. Would the town go to ash without them, would the kids be able to survive without them, would the kids ever be able to go back to a normal life without them? After just a few hours after the sudden disappearance of their parents all the kids of the town began to go mad. Without true leadership, the town was set for imminent doom, so the two brothers worked together to give the town’s kids what they needed, a leader. Inspired by the statue of Jamison Ford, the founder of their beloved town, the two boys calmed the other boys and girls down, and gave them the hope that they lacked in such an unfamiliar time. Furthermore they promised that all parents would be back soon, and that they would lead the town back to prosperity. At the moment, Jimmy and Rick both felt as if they were on top of the world, but that feeling only persisted for a short amount of time. They were suddenly hit with the responsibility of having to restore an entire town. 

In honor of the leaders before them, Jimmy and Rick changed their names to Jimmy Ford and Rick Jamison. Standing as tall as the statue of Jamison Ford, The two brothers began to bring normality to the town by assigning the townspeople jobs to give everyone the sense that things were going to be back to normal soon. The leadership the two brothers portrayed together prevented anyone from questioning their ideas. Although the people did not like the idea of getting the job of feeding hens, keeping the crops alive, or even butchering cattle for meat, they all had to push their preferences aside and realise that what they were contributing was vital to keeping the town in line. In just a few months the town began to thrive under the leadership of Jimmy and Rick. Although this was the case, many of the kids still wondered where all the adults had gone, and when they’d come back.

It has been over 5 years since the mass disappearance of all the adults, and the town is at its highest peak. Many have moved on and carried on with their life, while others still mourn and wonder where they might have gone. Jimmy and Rick are one of the few that still think about and try to relive the memories they once had with their parents, but as the greatest leaders of the town they must keep strong, for all of the town looks up to them for guidance. Where could they all have gone, what could have possibly happened to them, for what reason would they ever take such an act? Maybe it’s just a joke taken too seriously, or maybe we're all playing hide and seek and they’re just waiting for the seeker to find them. It is a mystery that may never be solved, and will forever be stuck in the shadows never revealing itself to the light. No One knows how the rest of the world handled this situation, and no one knows when everyone will be back or if they’re ever coming back. But nevertheless, all the people can rest happily they are at the hands of true and virtuous leaders.

The author's comments:

This short stroy is about an entire town that lost all that they took for granted. This story was inspired by the dystopian story "Farenheit 451" by Ray Bradburry.

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