Dark | Teen Ink


October 23, 2021
By Anonymous

Around eleven O’clock one Saturday night, it started raining cats and dogs. I couldn’t sleep, because of  the pitter-pattered on my rooftop. I got out of bed and  decided to get a late-night snack. As I walk to the kitchen , I heard a big boom then all the lights went out. It was only me, my sister Bright, my mom Hoshi and my brother Dipanwita in the house. Everyone came out of the room and was looking panicky! My mom started running around the house like a chicken with its head cut off. As she ran passed the living room,  a black figure appeared. Mom looked back and stared screaming ,‘’Something’s in the living room.’’ We all turned on our phone flashlights, but couldn’t see the dark figure. It was at that moment my brother Dipanwita decided to call the gloomy figure ‘’Dark’’

My siblings and I thought mom was seeing things. Since I’m the bravest, I went in the garage to get a bat; however, as my arm went over my head the gloomy figure appeared. It slapped me in my face and my face turned red like a tomato. I couldn’t believe ‘’Dark’’ slapped me. As it came to my senses, I felt pure angry. I was ready to beat the thing up. As soon as I tried to hit the gloomy figure the darkness of the night covered my face, and I couldn’t see anything.

Once I was aware of my surrounding my fingers started walking to the light switch. After I turned on the light switch,the black figure was gone. I was so confused. I asked myself,” Where did the gloomy figure go?’’ I decided to walk back in the house. When I open the door,  my siblings and my mom looked at me as if  I was an alien from another planet. They all shouted at once,’’What was going in there!’’ I yelled back, ‘’Mom was right,it’s a dark figure trying to kill us.’’ I said, The creature  only can mess with you when you're by yourself. We need to  stick together so we can beat the figure up.” Everybody agreed on what I had suggest and stared picking up anything they could  reach. After we tried searching for the figure it stared running away from us, like it was scared. We decided it was more afraid of us, then we were of it. That’s when I open the door and we never saw’’Dark’’again.

The author's comments:

Im in 11 grade.

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