Lost Paradise | Teen Ink

Lost Paradise

February 9, 2022
By JSonic BRONZE, Bayan Lepas, Other
JSonic BRONZE, Bayan Lepas, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

    It is the year 1990901 BC. Humankind has reached its peak in terms of financial stability, technological advancements and political interest. The Golden Age of Earth has come into existence, grandly flourishing life and making Earthlings one of the most successful civilizations ever known to the entire dimension, although it has its consequences. Had the dear Earthlings knew what was in store for them in the near future, they would have long escaped the Earth; the atomic bomb covered in gold.

    With great power comes great responsibility. Never had Earthlings realized that the aftermath of climate change, natural disasters and mining outcrops had the Great Destruction began. The Ring of Fire had started erupting in a line due to unknown reasons, causing mayhem to any country that interferes with the ring's line. After a few days, acid rain started to fall in many industrial areas, corroding many machines including nuclear reactors. This caused the nuclear reactorsto explode (alike the situation in Chernobyl) and affect many areas, causing them to be heavily radioactive. The situation quickly spreaded and soon enough, the entire Earth's perimeter was heavily infused with radio activeness-except the corners of the Earth. Thousands of refugees attempted to escape the central sector of the Earth, helplessly failing.

    The Golden Age of Earth had long passed, its remnants being highly dangerous objects that corroded the skin of every person who dared to lay a palm on them. The living beings of Earth were in an extremely dire situation at the time being, helplessly clinging onto their lives. Many sacrificed their own lives for their loved ones, while it was simply etched clearly into their fate for their lives to occur in such a manner for others. While thousands and thousands of unprotected, weak and defenceless refugees were losing their lives, a band of both animals and humans gathered in search of a solution in thedeep, dark abyss of endless mistakes and regrets. The band agreed to travel to the South-east corner of the Earth where they would take shelter until the situation ameliorates.

    The journey to the corner of the Earth included hiking dangerous trails, sailing through vast, radioactive waters, walking through scorching, dry deserts and dodging rifle attacks in every habitat. The reason for the rather frequent shootings and bombings were mysteriously unknown. Years later, the band set foot on the Isle of Lürchdéburg. The band transformed the island from a mere, ordinary island to the legendary Entombed City of New Findlia. The navigation and location of the Entombed City was terribly complex, with various tunnels and living quarters tucked beneath the unbreakable gates. Its entrance included statues of the legendary Pegasus and torches with blue flames. All was serene and well until The Day arrived.

    The day was March 20th. The chaos began with a bomb flying down from a plane high in the sky, wrecking havoc and almost demolishing the gates and entrance of the island. The bomb was followed by a flurry of bullets from an advanced machine gun, killing off half of the refugees in vain. The man in the plane and the mastermind behind this operation was the Rebellion Leader of the East: Xuan. His inevitable plan was to destroy the islands defences, wipe out the entire population of Earth excluding him and his followers and start a new civilisation on Planet Mars, where all hailed the mighty Xuan. This was known as the March 20th Crisis, a crisis carved into the memories of the refugees.

    Defences were brought up, refugees were armed with weapons and the war began. It was the most painful and fearful week of the refugees' lives. The refugees had been outnumbered and out-powered, thus being forced to retreat to the Entombed City. Ming Xuan and his army set offdays later for the SpaceEX headquarters, where they would launch the rocket into space and set course for Planet Mars. The refugees classified the occurrence as 'A blessing from the Celestial Heavens'.

    Days later, a defeaning detonation was heard in the sky. The refugees' hearts stopped for a moment, waiting for the effects of the explosion. A SpaceEx Model 43e67 dropped from the sky, engulfed in flames. The wreckage was known as 'Perimeter Destruction 43e67'. The aftermath was minor, and the refugees continued to expand their empire of New Findlia. Soon enough, the second generation took over the inheritance on the Entombed City. Soon enough, the generations produced enough humans to successfully inhabit the central sectors of Earth once again, flourishing human life and continuing civilisations.
    Up till today, the only gateway to the long abandoned Entombed City of New Findlia is only via the unsolvable mystery of Stonehenge. Forged of giants, one must chant a hidden ritual in order to activate the gates. Although many mysteries are waiting to be solved, remember that every journey has its end. Don't rush.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by the great wonders of the world and the unsolvable, philosophical question behind the Earth's creation and past. This piece was also written to increase both children's and adult's interest in the world's past. 

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