Siren | Teen Ink


March 18, 2022
By MyMy BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
MyMy BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" The key to life is success in your eyes"
-Mylia Danpollo-Thompson

12 on the dot, in the middle of the blue. A shaggy broke ship with a 2 man crew. The sky is pitch black with the flicker of stars, gliding slowly through the waters without moving very far. Mist blinding and boredom amidst, when a sweet warm calling is heard in the midst.

A sound so melodic, the echo is flawless, causing the crew of 2 to suddenly become thoughtless. Man 1 turns the boat towards the angelic sound, man 2 didn’t realize for by the vocals he was bound. Growing louder and louder the closer they get, in trans by the voice, the commands they submit.

Stargazed, dumbfound, by the silky sweet voice, then suddenly is STOPS!..

Cut from the trans, the crew looks around, when they see a scaly creature swimming about. Scared and confused as they’re rocked back and forth, until a second later, they were hit by a strong force.They fall into the water; One by One. They hear vicious shrieking, while being knocked around and sunk.

Gasping for air, trying to swim to the top; but being dragged down, causing them to stop. On the edge of death, faces pale and blue; The last thing seen was a webbed hand, pitch black eyes, and bursting red.

The author's comments:

The Siren strikes again!

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