Nursery Monstrosity | Teen Ink

Nursery Monstrosity

September 12, 2022
By vivien24 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
vivien24 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

     As Aunt Rosie arrived, so did a dark sky. It was a typical Thursday morning when Baby Jade’s parents decided to go on a trip without Baby Jade, leaving Rosie in charge. Little did they know that what was lurking in their baby’s nursery would soon lead to a tragic babysitting journey. 

     Baby Jade was an extraordinary child. Born at 27 weeks on a Friday afternoon with such a vibrant spirit unlike any baby the doctors had seen before. It was something quite admirable to behold. Soon after Baby Jade’s first birthday, two peculiar monsters appeared from her nursery. From the moment they sprouted an instant connection was built with the child in the nursery. One was like an angel, and her name was Evangeline. She had fur as soft as a polar bear, three ice cold blue eyes, and a curly cream colored pig-like tail that bounced across the floor. But there was also Evan, he was the complete opposite of Evangeline. You would never believe they came from the same DNA. His eyes were colors of flames and skin scaled from his head to his dagger-like tails. 

     Baby Jade was loved by everyone who laid eyes on her. Aunt Rosie on the other hand was not. Especially not by Evan, not after what she let happen to Baby Jade earlier that morning. This may seem very cruel of him, considering it wasn’t her fault completely, but Aunt Rosie didn’t seem to like the monsters very much either. In fact, she hated them just about as much as she hated babysitting but it paid well. That being said, she fell asleep the majority of the day after she locked Baby Jade inside the nursery. This is when Evan started to get angry but what really sent him into a frenzy was the incident that occured within. 

     Baby Jade fell from the crib and hit her head very hard leaving a large bump. Aunt Rosie paid no mind to the loud commotion coming from Baby Jade’s room. So unbothered that the only things that seemed to care whether or not Baby Jade was okay were the monsters. Evangeline, being the kind hearted sweetheart she was, checked on things in the room first. The house filled suddenly with vengeance and hatred which caused Evangeline to get a feeling in her stomach. She steps out from checking on Baby Jade to find Evan in the kitchen along with a foul yet oddly sweet odor. He planned to keep Aunt Rosie asleep forever. 

     With a devious plan in mind he heads towards where Aunt Rosie was. As each step was taken toward the couch, his heart began to beat slower and softer. “Brother what are you doing” Evangeline says as she rushes to Evan to stop him from making a mad mindless mistake. No reply was given for Evan’s soul was no longer on Earth. He was stuck in an evil comatic state. Just before the poison hits Aunt Rosie’s lips Evangeline hops in between the two. The house is silent. Evan snaps back and sees what damage he has done. His life will forever be changed. “What have I done?” he cries out. Evangeline was no longer alive. The poison intended for Aunt Rosie hit her body instead. Evan held his sister’s lifeless corpse as he sobbed waking up Aunt Rosie from her nap. “What did you do, you monster, what have you done?” Aunt Rosie shouted in horror from the scene she saw.  Evan could no longer bear a single word or second of living. He rushes to tell Baby Jade the news before Rosie could.

     Baby Jade wakes at the sound of a thud. Just a toy falling off the bookshelf. Nothing less and nothing more. Everyone in the house was right where they had been all along. Aunt Rosie is still asleep on the couch. Evangeline was in the kitchen making food for everyone, and Evan was by the couch ticking Rosie hoping she fell so he could get a quick laugh in. Despite all the dark twists and turns all was sound, for there was no nursery monstrosity in this babysitting adventure.

The author's comments:

My name is Vivien, I wrote this story for an english class and really tried to be creative with the characters. I like to crochet and thats mainly what the nursery monsters are based off of. There are many little animals that ive created and I just combined some of my favorite ones to create these monsters.  

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