Foodbot | Teen Ink


March 29, 2023
By Anonymous


Planet Travel

Topic vs Theme:


Living in outer space 

Theme: hope, forgiveness, peace, 




“ Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the Amazing Foodbot! It makes all kinds of food . All you have to do is tell the Foodbot what kind of food you want and it will make it for you. The Foodbot only costs $500.“

“That’s too much money!” the audience exclaimed. 

“I know it is expensive, but it is worth it.” Batteries are included with the Foodbot too! ” the salesman declared with enthusiasm.

 “Is there anyone who wants one?” he asked.

  Suddenly, a tall and lanky teenager came up to the stage.  “Hi, what’s your name?'' asked the salesman. 

     “ Hi, I’m Billy and  I would like to buy a Foodbot.”’

      “Here you go,” said the salesman. 

After Billy arrived got home, he asked the Foodbot to make a pepperoni pizza for him, but the Foodbot burned it. Billy was so hangry that he threw the Foodbot away in the dumpster. 

After being thrown away the Foodbot felt sad and annoyed.  He couldn't believe that Billy had thrown him away for making one mistake.  He felt angrier the more he thought about it.  He used his video calling messenger to contact all of his other Robot friends and tell them what had happened.

“That happened to me too, and I only made ten mistakes!”, one of the Foodbots    

  said yes.  

“These evil humans just threw me away!'' said another. 

“They’re so ungrateful” they said. 

“How should we get back at them for treating us so badly? ”asked Billy’s robot.

“We should steal their food! ” said the Foodbot that made ten mistakes. 

“ Great idea!” exclaimed Foodbot.

Foodbot sent out an alarm calling all Foodbots and machines to steal all of the food from Earth and take it to another planet ”.  The other Foodbots agreed, 

       ”Okay we will steal all of the food tonight.”

From that moment on Billy’s Foodbot was crowned as “King Foodbot.”. He and his friends flew then started to steal all of the food, and use their technology to build a rocket.  They fly into outer space and head to the planet Neptune. 

                  “This planet will keep our food cool, and fresh! ” cheered the Foodbots. 

The next day the President opens the refrigerator and finds out that all his food is gone.     

     “Where did all of my food go?” he asked.

 Suddenly he hears someone talking about the food being stolen. The news articles and reporters were all saying there is a  “Mystery food disappearance.” 

One agent runs in and said yes “ Mr. President, we knew there was a food shortage, but this is bad!” “  

“We just found out about the food being stolen, we need to hire a team of investigators right away!” the President declared.

Two long days have passed since the food mysteriously disappeared. All of earth’s population has been surviving off of snacks and Gatorade. One food critic starts a protest about getting the food back.  

“ I can't live on Oreos and Cheez-its any longer! Where did all our food go?!  Is our government doing anything to help? “No! ” he yelled.

  He led his hangry crowd to the President to demand that he finds the food.  The president, beginning to feel nervous, was surprised by the breaking news.

       “Breaking news!” exclaimed NASA.“ Our team of scientists have discovered robots with an infinite supply of food on the planet Neptune!” 

 “NEPTUNE!”, the crowd gasps.

 The President immediately hires a team of astronauts to take him to the place where the Foodbots are hiding their food.   The hangry  people build a spaceship to follow the Foodbots.  They shout at the President to get in. When they find the planet Neptune, they decide there's only one way to get the food back.

“We must attack!” agree the hangry people.  As soon as they arrived at Neptune they attacked the Foodbots.  But the Foodbots started attacking them with food. The battle was intense. The people of earth tried to eat the food that was flying at them, but it was too frozen. They threw all kinds of food, but the main kind of food that was thrown at them was frozen pizza. The people attacked the bots by throwing water at them. All of the fighting made Billy really sad, as he felt responsible because of how he treated his Foodbot.  Now came the time to make it right. During  the battle Billy  sneaks by to ask the Foodbot King if they can share the food.  The Foodbot sees Billy and said yes,

 “I will give you your food back if you treat the Foodbots nicely.”

Billy  arranged a meeting between the King Foodbot and the President he said says,

 “I will convince the President to be here at this time tomorrow.  

  “Okay but if he isn't here at  this time tomorrow, we are keeping the food.”   King Foodbot warned.s

Billy agreed, and ran to find the President right away. After he couldn't find him he asked one of the NASA astronauts where the president is. The NASA Astronaut said yes. 

      “The President didn’t come with us.

 “What! ” Billy screamed “I need to fly back to earth and get him.”

“You need to build a rocket, “said says the NASA astronaut. 

  “Wait, why can't I fly with you ? “asked Billy. 

 “There isn’t any more room in our rocket, but we can give you some of our extra  


“Okay,” said says Billy. 

The astronaut dumps out a pile of parts and says,

              “Good luck building the rocket.”

“Thanks” said Billy. 

Billy gets to work building the rocket.

                      “This is harder than it looks ,” he says. 

 When he finally found finds him, he told tells the President what he told the King Foodbot. After Billy finishes telling the President the news, they run to the rocket and fly back and they start having  a conversation of why the Foodbots should give back the food. After the meeting, the King Foodbot  forgives them,  and agreeds with the people, and  they make a deal that he will give them their food back if the people on earth treat the Foodbots nicely. From then on the people on earth treat the Foodbots nicely.  This is how the whole planet was saved,  all because of one person's love and respect for Foodbots and people. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this story because I thought that this story would be fun to write. I was inspired by the idea of pizza and robots. In the story a boy named billy buys a foodbot because it is sopposed to make food for him but the robot ends up burning the food so Billy decides to trow him away when this happens the Foodbot decides to steal all of the food with the other robots 

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