Space Adventure Rescue (SAR) | Teen Ink

Space Adventure Rescue (SAR)

October 13, 2023
By JazlynBlanco SILVER, Wilmington, California
JazlynBlanco SILVER, Wilmington, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sound of the wind blowing through the night and the softness of the bushes brushing together in the silent night. Then a glistening bright light that can blind anyone, flashes through my window into my dark room. I wake up and cover my eyes from the flashy light coming from a round ball that shines silver in color with a weird design that seems like it can hypnotize anyone.
It calls for me. I’m walking without control of my body. I continued to proceed entering the round ball, I noticed it was dimly lit. A calm feeling inside rushes over me compared to the feeling it gave off on the outside. Walking further I realized there was barely any gravity to pull me down but it started to move.
As it moves I am informed by a screen “Hello Miss, we have chosen you to help assist another planet with a problem.”
“But why me?,” I asked, confused.
“Because we need someone who has thumbs so we went to earth, since you were the only weirdo with their window open we chose you” he stated delighted. As we reach the other planet, I notice that the sky is equally colored in red, black, gray and white. “Prepare for landing,” a static voice echoed through the ship.
Getting off the ship the air has more oxygen than earth. The ground is like the plains of the savanna with tall grass and a small amount of 80 foot trees and 20 foot plants scattered around. “There are only three kinds of special herbs with a variety of fruits and berries here.” affirmed the screen.
Then in the corner of my eye I notice a pair of white lights in the distance. Soon I register that the pair of lights aren’t lights at all but eyes staring at me. It comes closer as I get a glimpse of its black dark skin that blends in with the darkness. Its long, slim, lizard-like physique captures my full attention of its 50 foot long and 25 foot tall body. It takes action moving toward me with quick, rigged, contorted movements, getting face to face with me. I question how to communicate with it in my frightened state. He commences to communicate with me, “Click, click, room, squeak.”
It becomes aware that I don't know what it said and signals me to speak. “Ummm.. hi i'm.. here ... .to help.” silence
With care he starts to speak, “ Hello to you too, welcome to Sar. Sorry for scaring you.”
“That's all right.” I said, perplexed.
“Well I can speak any language I hear once.”
“Oh wow,” I said, amazed.
He informs me that I was brought to the planet because their nemesis was kidnaping the baby animals because he was going to do an evil project with them. So they had to find someone with thumbs to help them rescue their children from their enemies hands.
I agreed to help save the animals and we headed to find the enemies project facility. As we are approaching the place I find out there's a switch that allows us to release the animals and completely destroy the site. I enter through the ceiling and with caution I slip through the guards and get through. As I enter the control panel the door closes behind me and an alarm begins to blare loudly. I hear the footsteps of the guards and I try my best to destroy the facility but I'm captured and thrown in a cage.
Locked in a cage with the animals, the enemy tells me I won’t be able to leave because they plan on leaving the planet in an hour and to prepare myself. While I untie myself I think of a way to distract everyone to be able to free them before we run out of time. One of the animals shows me that they can read minds and shape shift so it pretends to be me and I break the cage and get out sounding the alarm. I close the gate and run to the panel once again.
I make it by finding the button freeing them and setting the place to autopilot for 10 seconds with the explosive within 15 seconds. Running out I see that the animals have captured the enemy and put him away.
I get thanked by everyone. The creature that helped me stops me before leaving, giving me a gift of their gratitude. They say it is the penance of power.
After thanking them I proceeded to go on the ship and travel happily back knowing I went and did the right thing.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece for my creative writing class. I am a junior in high school. I like to write about fantasy and horror short stories.

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