Alien | Teen Ink


May 7, 2024
By Anonymous

I finally woke up. Where am I? I’m in bed, wait, this is not my bed and this room does not look like a room, it looks like something out of the movies. I scanned my surroundings because this place was funky and I wanted to figure out where I was. But then I hear strange noises outside the door. It sounds like a noise a dying bird would make. The door then slides open, and a person stands in the doorway but I can’t see them because the light from the other room is too bright, all while the 2001: A Space Odyssey theme song plays. The person slowly approached the foot of my bed and at that point, I was curled up in the fetal position at the head of my bed, but as he got closer I noticed this person wasn’t human, it had a head larger than it’s body, buggy black eyes, grey skin, long arms and long fingers, and a devilish grin on its face. It then spoke to me, it said,

“¿Qué pasa hermano? ¿Cómo te sientes?.” 

“What?” I replied. 

“Oh sorry I didn’t realize you were the English flavor, let me try again, up brother, how are you feeling” He said.

“Um… I’m fine thank you, why did you assume I spoke Spanish?” I said.

“I don’t know, it was kind of a wild guess if I’m being honest.” He said.

“Oh… Uh… alright, could I ask where I’m at and what’s happening right now?”

“Oh yeah, So I’m Durf and you are on the planet Quin-glob, and you just kind of showed up in space, your ship said something like space x on the side but I don’t know enough about

Earth to know” He replied.

Dang it Elon,” I said.

“ Elon? I know Elon, he went missing about 40 years ago, I think he went to Earth to try and be an inventor.”He said.

“That bum,” I said.

I finally get out of bed to go explore and see what’s going on.

“I want to see what’s going on out here Durf,” I said.

“Okay brotha’ let’s get going.”

We walk down a hall with really odd architecture. The walls are white and sponge-like with an orange and blue hue behind them, and the floor absorbs the impact of your step so every time I take a step it feels like I’m walking on a cloud. When we get to the door it slides open and the outside smells like something I’ve never smelled before, It’s warm and sweet smelling, The sky is dark blue and every building around is really wild looking and none of them looked the same. Durf kept walking so I followed and when he got to the street he didn’t even look for cars but when I stopped he said, “What are you doing?”

“I’m looking for cars?” I replied

“You don’t have to watch for cars when they’re up there, now come on bro.”

I then looked up in the sky where he pointed and there were a bunch of fun-shaped hovering automobiles and weird planes or something, I’m not sure what they were but I wanted that. 

They just looked like cars without wheels and they just flew, I’m not sure how they’re doing it but they are. 

We get to a huge launch pad where there are spaceships coming and going and Durf says, “This is the end of your trip now, we’ll be sending you home because I know you probably want 

to go home.

“ This place is kind of great but yeah I’d like to be home now, but by any chance could I get one of those vehicles?” I said.

Durf looks at me with a fake smile and says,” Yeah… no, those are expensive and you do not have our form of currency and your currency is just a piece of paper so I’m gonna stay away from that one.

Dang,” I said.

Durf then looks up at me with a scary grin on his face and says, “Don’t die, you have fun now” while he kicks me in the sternum into a spaceship. I started yelling because that was kind of scary but then I calmed down and found my way to the seat and then I buckled up. The ship chimed three times and then I heard the engines kick on then I was lifted straight into space and shot straight to Earth. A large keypad swung and smacked me in the face and when I pulled it away from my face it was asking for my destination so I typed in my address and in an instant I was in my driveway. The door opened and I slowly stepped out and in a blink of an eye, the ship was gone. That was that and now I just have to live life like nothing happened.

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