Creation Myth | Teen Ink

Creation Myth

December 6, 2012
By Artwriter14 SILVER, Westminister, Colorado
Artwriter14 SILVER, Westminister, Colorado
5 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Seeing is believing." {Polar Express}

A beautiful woman was sent by god to portray a new world. This woman shined like a star so god named her starlight. Suddenly starlight spots a milky substance full of gleaming light. Starlight was so interested in the swirling white portal in the sky so she decided to start the new world with the Milky Way. She took a hand full and formed a round ball growing bigger and bigger until it finally stops.
Starlight was so displeased with the colorless place that she decided to ask god for paint. God gives starlight a rainbow to paint the world with. But she could not see the beautiful pattern for the world was dark. She asks god for light so she can make the world the most wonderful planet. God throws a bubble of hope, laughter, light, and love to the sky. This bubble was named sun, as it is the son of the earth. Starlight thanks god and begins painting in lovely shades of blues and greens.
All is well for earth, except there is quite all around. Starlight is displeased one again. She asks god for creatures that will sing to the songs she sings. God forms an animal that can fly but has a delightful voice. She called him parrot, and she thought it matched him quite well. She wanted more of these birds. She asked god yet another favor. God after the second bird had gotten bored of just one bird. So he decided to make kinds. Soon birds filled the entire earth.
God had soon decided it was not healthy for starlight to be alone. So he made a man as lovely as she. Soon starlight fell in love. She wanted this man to help her with the earth. She decided it needed more people. Her hopes had been granted, soon starlight had a son. They named him moonshine.
God soon decided to make the sun stay during one period of time and only one period. But god had no light to shine upon what he called night. As the time came for night moonshine was ill his parents weeping and helping all they could but there was nothing to protect the child. Moonshine pleaded to god for a home, food, and water. But god had no way to make the house in time or give the family food or water. Soon the son died but this was not the end of moonshine. God placed him in the sky and his parent will forever remember him as moon, father of the night.
All was well and pleasant in the earth. But starlight did not get the earth full of humans. Starlight had yet another baby this one a girl. But the birth kills starlight god sends her to the galaxy becoming the stars that twinkle today.
The man was all alone with his child but decided he needed help he sent his daughter, now named parrot girl after her mother’s beautiful creatures, to god to help him. While parrot girl was in the heavens her father asked god for land and water creatures for the earth. Fish was the curios name he gave the land creatures. But god made so many animals for land he could not think of all the names. So god told him the names he wanted.
All was well on earth but it was sixteen years past parrot girl’s birth. The man asked for his daughter. And god sent down parrot girl along with a boy and a brand new baby. The baby’s name was Lila for she was a reminder of the beautiful plants on the earth. The boy’s name was parroy for god thought parrot girl might like that.
Many babies were born creating a human filled earth. Finally god was pleased. Starlight, sun, father moon, and the heavens shone so bright the earth could be spotted a light year away.

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on Mar. 1 2013 at 2:27 pm
Artwriter14 SILVER, Westminister, Colorado
5 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Seeing is believing." {Polar Express}

Hey i would like it if ya posted comments so i can improve. Thank.:)