Minecraft: The Epic Adventure | Teen Ink

Minecraft: The Epic Adventure

December 19, 2012
By Miko1 BRONZE, Kalamazoo, Michigan
Miko1 BRONZE, Kalamazoo, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


In the virtual, pixilated, and cubic world of Minecraft, where an abundance of natural resources, vegetation, water (most of it being oceanic), magic, mobs (any animal or monster in Minecraft), and other compositions exist, we have 3 main characters that will embark on a dangerous quest that could potentially save it. They are;

Name: Kyle Dandridge
Age: 14
(Do I really have to put his gender? I mean, “His” already implies he’s a male.)
Height: 5 ft. 5 in. (65 cm.)
Weight: 113 lbs.
Interests: Reading, playing guitar, partying, science, and sports
Specialty: Sword Fighting
Supernatural Ability: Able to hear and talk to animals

Name: April Juniper Johnson
Age: 15
(Gender is obvious)
Height: 5 ft. 7 in.
Weight: 100 lbs.
Interests: Reading, mathematics, playing piano, viola, and drums
Specialty: Hand to hand combat, and bow-hunting
Supernatural Abilities: Able to foretell the future, see ghosts, and foresee somebody’s thoughts and emotions

Name: Ashton Watterson
Age: 15
Gender: Male (I’m actually labeling his gender, because “Ashton” is also a girl’s name)
Height: 5 ft. 6 in.
Weight: 128 lbs.
Interests: Reading, social studies, politics, medical science, and demolition
Supernatural Ability: None

Our characters live in a big, wooden house, with an enchantment room (which is a room composed of a 5 by 5 array of bookshelves, surrounding an enchantment table, used to enchant weapons, and make them immensely stronger), 2 bathrooms, 4 bedrooms, a large dining room and living room, and several traps for any monsters that invade the house. In their grassy backyard, they have a 10 foot deep pool, and a treehouse that is 50 feet in height. Also, in the story, it is Halloween.

Minecraft: The Epic Quest
CHAPTER 1: The Mysterious Figure

It was 5:40 AM, and our characters were in a deep sleep.
Kyle and Ashton were in a pleasantly deep sleep, while April was in an immense state of fear. She was shaking. She was having a HORRIBLE nightmare. “Stay away from me,” April shouted, with infused power in her voice. She was sprinting across the damp grassland, almost into the snow-covered Snow Biome. The dark, tall figure continued chasing her, despite all of her evasive maneuvers. April had noticed its body was unusually shaking rapidly; not from fear similar to hers (obviously), but immense rage, from April looking at it in its luminous, pink eyes. Suddenly, the figure vanished. April looked back again, and noticed it was gone. She was breathing hard, and her heart was pounding from fear and exertion. She had been in a state of thankfulness, but also confusion simultaneously. “Why would it just disappear”, April wondered. “Did it get very tired, and give up?” No, it didn’t, April. The figure re-appeared, and continued rushing towards her. It had gotten into her face, then, she woke with a scream.

Kyle and Ashton were awoken, and they asked why she screamed. She explained her unusual nightmare to them, and they were both shocked. After taking a shower and eating breakfast, April got on her laptop, got on Bibble (a search engine similar to the real-world Google), and in the search bar, she typed in the description of the monster, and NO results came up. She had an epiphany; either that she had been possessed by this apparent menace, or she saw into the future. She went into the living room, where Kyle and Ashton were playing the BloopStation 3, and firstly told them to pause the game, which they did. Then, she told them about her epiphany.

“I think I’ve seen it before,” said Kyle. “When I was 8, I went trick or treating with my family, and I was a living pumpkin. My big brother… Actually, my big BOTHER, was a vampire. Anyways, I saw a very tall figure, and it looked directly into my eyes. Luckily, it didn’t attack me.”
All 3 of them rushed into the city, and went to the local (teenage) psychic, Locusa. After entering the store, and a quick greeting, April had explained her unusual nightmare to her.
“Oh my,” Locusa exclaimed. “What a foresight. You know… I know who you’re talking about.

“YOU DO?!” April questioned. “Why haven’t you informed the city about this?!”
“Because,” Locusa said, vaguely.
“Because what? April repeated, angrily. His city
“It’s a secret. I cannot tell anyone, ever.”
“Why not?!” April demanded. “We are the heroes of this city, and I will not let a menace like who or whatever the heck that is attack our fellow citizens!! This is crucial information, and we could save the world! Wouldn’t you want that?”
“Y-yes, I do,” Locusa said. ‘”but I can’t tell you because… the monster has possessed me.”
“WHAT?!” All 3 exclaimed.
“Yes. I am the monster.” Locusa said, with an unusually monstrous voice. Then, suddenly, she turned black, and her eyes exuded a pink incandescence, and she roared loudly. Then, a bright pink light filled the room, and our characters got defensive. April pulled out her bow, Kyle pulled out his sword, and Ashton found a hopefully magic wand that he could use.

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