The Game | Teen Ink

The Game

March 5, 2013
By cor3y BRONZE, Cedarburg, Wisconsin
cor3y BRONZE, Cedarburg, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Game
Have you ever had a dream, A dream that one day became reality, The dream you wish had never happened?

“Guys use some sense. Jumping off a bridge is dangerous, especially you Seth.”

“But what about-” I said, being cut off.

“She may not even have gone here. You know how Bear is,” said Sam.

We all looked at the dog. She was a two month old puppy that was a German Shepherd; everyone but me thinks she has a bad sense of smell. Her mother was my original dog but she died during the gas bombing of P901 from Cuba. We sent our troops and almost destroyed them but we retreated knowing it wasn't a good idea to destroy them but they bombed us for that. But when they did that they didn't think it would spread, little did they know, killing more than just the United States. But the whole world.

“Fine, but I am going to run alongside the river bank looking,” I stated, starting to run.

I can run fast, more than most people anyways, and the only person faster is Jace. Race him and you will never win.

My best friend Emily was taken by a water spirit, and this is the closest to anything of water in the area. So we decided to look here, and Bear caught her scent.
I wanted to jump off the bridge but like Sam said, it’s dangerous, especially for me.
Down ahead thunder and lightning rumbled. “Great,” I mumbled sarcastically, still running.

Then all of a sudden a strong wind swept the clouds to the west

“Jacob... You have to stop using up your energy.”

Just then I saw a head bobbing in and out of the water. “Emily!”

Then I jumped into the air and changed into a blue ball of energy. Literally. One of my mysterious powers. Then, when I reached the middle of the water to where she was i turned human and realized i made a big mistake. It wasn't Emily it just morphed into her. The creature grabbed my ankle before I could move and pulled me in.

“Bad idea,” I said.

Then I let all my frustration out, and my anger that this monster took my only friend who knew everything about me and was my only friend for life, and released it and it spread through the water. Then the monster’s grip lessened.

I swam to the top and found Jace staring at me like I grew another head or something.

“What?” I said, wondering why he was looking at me like that.

“What happened down there?”

I forgot I haven't told anyone about that...

“And that morphing thing?”
That too...
“Ummmm... Don’t tell anyone this NEEDS to be a secret or it will put everyone in danger if it gets in the wrong hands,” I said, “Do you still want to know?” I said hoping he would say no.
“Yes” he said like it wasn't a surprise.
“Fine... When I was younger my mom worked with the Z.E.O” which is the testing lab for vaccines and other shot like things that they won't release to the public where they test experiments on animals to see if it would help or change anything that happens to humans. And she brought one home once and I...” I said not wanting to finnish.
“You what..?” he said trying to spit it out.
“I ahhh.... Drank the experiment...”
“ YOU WHAT?” he yelled, “You could have died! You are the ‘Special’ one. He said referring to my powers.
“But I was young... I didn’t know..” I said, “Plus neither did anyone else at the time.”
“I know, sorry.” He said, “I’ve just been stressed out lately. I’ll tell you later, and since you fried all the fish let’ take some to camp and eat it.”
I asked if I could have a minute, and when he left I jumped into the water to look for the dungeon underwater that was probably protected by spells, and luckily I found it at the very bottom with only the spell, so water would not go in.
Inside it was a big cave filled with tons of stuff such as watches, jewelry, nice clothes, and weapons. Probably from its victims. Something in the corner of the room. It was energy blue. And it was a necklace and a dagger.
When I got back to camp, Liz and Jake asked me what happened because when Jace got back he wouldn't tell them, but I just ignored them and walked to my tent not feeling very hungry.

Later that night, when everyone was asleep, I came out of my tent and went to the fire to keep it going. (When I was satisfied it wasn't too much where people could see us or burn something and start a huge forest fire and burn like ten houses and kill out an entire species of squirrels) just... don’t ask... But not low enough for it to die down. I pulled out the necklace and dagger. They seemed different to me. Like it was bringing me in in like it wanted me to discover it. Then I got a strange thought like someone was whispering in my ear “throwwrw it in the fireeee” slurring it like it as a creature with a forked tongue. I looked to my left where I thought I heard it and saw nothing.

Then I threw it in the fire, and it flared up like someone threw a huge pile of leaves in it, and spit it out the dagger and the necklace but it changed. Instead of it being two things it was a necklace with a dagger emblem on it with the electric blue color on the dagger. I put it around my neck just as everyone came out of their tent, giving me a explosive headache instantly, like something was being surgically removed from my head.

When I said nothing they stared at me patiently waiting for an explanation that never came. I just stayed sitting still for a moment, then I walked to my tent and went to sleep.

In the morning we finished our breakfast, which consisted of fish in the baking heat of the sun shining on us, even making our sweat steam.

When everyone was done eating and we went packing. I went to my tent with sweat going down my arm and face, burning my salt crusted cuts and eyes, making me moan a little bit. I pulled the stuff under my tent that no one knew about and stuffed it in my pack, and whistling for Bear so we can begin our long days journey. He came bounding from the east happy to see us and we started walking.

With everyone ahead Jace fell behind checking on me.

“Did you go to the dungeon? “ He asked.

“Yea...” I said cautiously wondering if he would yell at me for not telling him first.

“Hmmm...” he said thoughtfully, “Careful with the stuff you find, there are people who would kill for that,” he said with a twinkle in his eye and walked back up to the others.
Then I yelled,“Bear!”

Bear liked me the most because, well, I was the one who fed him and, because I was his owner. Also, he has been with me since the moment he was born.

He came running towards me and jumped on me playfully and started circling me ready to prance for the ball. When I found the ball in an abandoned warehouse, when it was just me and Emily and right before we met the others, and I threw the ball as hard as I could and he ran off for it.

He came running back with the ball in his mouth a few seconds later with the slime filled ball in his panting mouth eager for me to throw it again. I picked up the slimy filled ball when we heard a scream.

We ran as fast as we could toward the sound but we could not find them, and I stopped when I saw shuffling footsteps and other steps, unhuman, when I felt a stab in the back and a twist, pushing the dagger deeper into my back until I blacked out.
I woke up on the cold floor next to my bed at home drenched in sweat.

“It was just a dream... Just a dream.” I said rocking myself back and forth.

My eyes opened wide. Then there was a whistling sound like something falling out of the sky and a big boom...
Then the screams began.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 12 2013 at 2:22 pm
readaholic PLATINUM, Tomahawk, Wisconsin
27 articles 0 photos 425 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'd rather fail because I fell on my own face than fall because someone tripped me up
~Jhonen Vasquez

I really like the twist at the end (and how it explains the beginning) but I think the rest of the story is too unresolved.  Some of it just seems like a lot of random details, unless you plan to expand on this.  But it's ok otherwise....tell me if you write more :)