Spy Boy | Teen Ink

Spy Boy

April 22, 2013
By writeroffiction61 BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
writeroffiction61 BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The ropes grabbed at my leg as I tried to climb them. I could feel the fake heat charring my skin. My shirt had burned off. My tan skin was starting to bubble. Suddenly I couldn’t feel my hands anymore. I fell to the ground. As I hit the ground the heat turned off and I felt the cold rush of water pour over my body. I was half-way submerged when the chatting began.
Voices rang out shouting that I wasn’t ready while others asking since I was only 15, I shouldn’t have to complete that course to show I’m ready. I just sat there as my false burns healed. Finally the head director spoke. “Mirick you have shown great potential but your age is your downfall. As many board members realize that you are only 15 and some even think you shouldn’t have to complete course 1313. I personally believe that there won’t be any needs for such a young agent. The world may even be better without you. I am very tempted to kill you because of your youngness and the fact that you are already ready to kill people. I hold your life in balance. Now tell me why the board shouldn’t have you eradicated.”
“I am only 15 and yet I have proven myself worthy of everything I have earned and 10 fold. I am very hopeful that someday when you have passed most honorable director that I will take over as the next director. I am obviously the best suited candidate. Nobody has beaten me except for board members and you most honorable director. I pose no threat to you and the world you have asked. I have done what is necessary. The world is balanced. There is both evil and good. I feel peace so there is no need for any action. I am here to help, so please don’t kill me most honorable one. I will die a hero.”
The director weighed his options. He looked around at the board with his finger hovered over the big red button. His finger circled around the button. He closed his eyes mumbled words or a prayer. Then he spoke, “I have decided to save you from death. Many of my inner feelings and inner circle do not agree with me. I plan on training you myself so you don’t stray from the path. I do hope that one day you take over for me. This concludes the decision concerning Mirick or his new name of Spy Boy.”
I breathed a huge sigh of relief as realized that my life was spared and I was to be trained exclusively by the director himself.
10 years later, I easily climbed the ropes that hung from the fake heat. I completed the course in the 2nd best time in history with 3 hours. The best time was posted by the current director which stands at 2 hours and 13 minutes. I retreated to my dome to where the director was sitting. My muscles were going to give but yet the director sat watching my movements. He turned and looked at me. “Have you heard that the board members are starting to become corrupt? Just today they wanted to re-evaluate you which they would certainly vote to end your life. I turned them down saying that you were doing fine and the world was better with you. Also there was another test today which a 10 year-old boy completed level 1312 with ease. He passed your time by about 10 minutes when you were at that age.”
I could feel the rage boiling up in my heart as he spoke. I was supposed to be the almighty one, not this 10 year-old. I turned away from the director and raced towards the gym. I ran inside and immediately went over to the gravity room. This room was made so you could change the gravity so you could become stronger and faster. I turned the dial towards its highest setting which was 15 times the amount of gravity than earths. I immediately dropped down and started with as many push-ups as I could do which were 25. I got up and turned to the bench press. I put on 225 pounds which translated into about 5625 pounds. I was attempting to do the most weight I have ever done. I pushed it up but I couldn’t get it off my chest. I started to curse and scream. I was the strongest one. I could lift 5625 pounds. Slowly the weight rose up. I then locked my arms out and the weight was picked up by the machine. I let out a big exhale. I had just bench pressed the most by anyone. I was the almighty one and I had just proven it again. Nobody would ever beat me.
Within the next few days I and the director talked and both decided that the board was becoming too corrupt and that it was time for one overall leader with no other input. The director was to be the supreme overlord and I was to be his assistant. All I had to do was kill Andrew LeMan then nobody would stand in my way.
I walked up to Andrew LeMan’s room. I kicked in the door. I jumped in and immediately started to look around for Andrew. He lay in his bed, silently sleeping. I punched him as hard as I could right in the face. He immediately woke up and jumped up and we both stood for 10 seconds staring at each other. He spoke lashing out at me with his menacing tone. “You couldn’t have one person better than you? I am trying to become the best I could but nobody ever expects me to be better than you. But I will prove I am.”
I sneered at him and attempted to punch him; he countered and punched me in my throat. I gasped for air. I couldn’t believe that I had just been punched by a 10 year old and I was down and couldn’t breathe. He sat on top of me and looked me straight in the eyes and spoke, “You have failed your test. I have been created by the board to see where you’re true alliances lied. Now that we know you won’t obey us we are going to self-destruct. Also this was the director’s idea. He said for you to remember one thing when you die. You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself turn a villain.”
I screamed but the world went white. I had been defeated by someone younger than me.

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This article has 1 comment.

JB31 said...
on Apr. 25 2013 at 10:29 pm
Great beginning interest grabber! Imaginative and exciting.......keep up the good work!