The Haalimasite Dream Horror | Teen Ink

The Haalimasite Dream Horror

July 31, 2013
By Anonymous

I don’t recall ever dreaming until she first invaded my drowsy consciousness. In the first nightmare I was lying on my bed when she told me that there was a hole, a never ending abyss in which you simply continue to fall until starvation, beneath it. The chasm gradually grew larger and larger and I’m not sure how my dream self knew this but it did. The stress and tension was overwhelming but for some reason I never even thought to just run away. I was aware when the entire floor under my bed was absent up until the very edge of its legs. The villainous creature leaned forward and muttered “You can call me Hallimasite and may I just say it is lovely to meet you,” before snapping her fingers and making the hole stretch a few inches more causing the bed to tilt forward and fall with me in it. I awoke.
She haunted me every night after that in different forms and the dreams rarely repeated. One dire twilight the sound of nasally breathing filled the room around me and I began bracing myself for another nightmare. This time it seemed like my torment would be in the form of a false awakening. My eyes jerked open and I slowly sat myself up on the stiff mattress beneath me preparing to face her. There was something different this time, though, a discerning factor setting this apart from every other dream she inhabited.
Everything felt too solid. Dreams had been my hell for the past several years and I damn well knew how they felt. At the foot of my bed stood the lady of my nightmares although I knew she couldn't be standing for she didn't have legs and always hovered. The night light illuminated her face and body. From over the bed I could see her arms, three on each side, except they were never arms but fleshy talons that any decent hawk would envy. My first thought was not one of terror for I had been in this situation before although not exactly in this way, but instead of regret that I had allowed my parents to leave me home alone for the night. Death was never inflicted quickly and I was too exhausted for torment. Slowly as if to heighten anticipation she stretched out her arms and began to crawl on each hand until she was above me except she did not clutch the comforter but instead the air when dragging her body forwards. I couldn't help but stare into her completely white eyes that made it impossible to tell exactly where her gaze was.
“You’re probably wondering how it’s possible that I am truly real and in your... adorable room,” she hissed with lips up close to my ear “but what would be the fun for me if you knew? It would be more pertinent to ask what I’m about to do.”
I didn't mutter a word. Knowledge would be my downfall for it could only lead to panic.
“Fine. I’ll just surprise you.”
She lifted herself up quickly seemingly without the usage of her talons and was straight up in front of me where she simply sneered and made no move for a few harrowing minutes. Her arms were pointed upwards suddenly and she jumped as if to hit my ceiling before arching downwards and diving towards my head. I screamed and felt the most abhorrent pain fathomable while she guffawed but the laughter was only in my mind. Even though it was within my head I was over no control of this and the horrible realization that she was within me shook whatever parts of my body I still had control over.
I've been studying you for a very long time, dearie. Mimicking is something I have always excelled at and I know your mind and manner from the inside out. I can’t survive on this colorful world with my body for obvious reasons so I will just become you. Enjoy these moments, I've already taken hold of your body now your mind has gotta go.
Her screeching was painful within my mind and it was like I could see the words before me cutting and leaving horrible scars. I almost feel grateful that she killed me a few second later. Everyone saw that something was different about me for a while but they couldn't put their finger on it and just blamed themselves. Haalimasite was correct in saying she was good at mimicking. I still walk this earth but I am not myself, and if I ever invade your occasional nightmare just be glad the lady of the night only has two arms as me.

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