He is back | Teen Ink

He is back

August 22, 2013
By Anonymous

We knew the darkness would come back. But we didn’t know that it would so soon.

When she was five she found out that she had a gift. The gift was strange but magical at the same time. At this point in time she had know idea what it would do and why she had it. She just knew that it was great and that she was the only person who had it.
One day she found out that her mom had a gift to. It was not her gift but it was still a gift. She told her mom she could talk to the trees. And they talk back to her. Her mom was the first person to know about it. It was weird to tell her but she knew she had made the right choice in who she told. Her mom said that she could she the future. No not like in the movies but in little bits at a time and not when she wanted to.
As life went on the girl found out her gift was less magical but more a nuisance. She found that the voices never stopped. This was because she could not turn them off. But when they grew silent she would miss them so. But lets not get ahead of ourselves.
The next person she told was her best friend. Now she knew that he was the kind of guy who would get her but it took her a long time to tell him. It was not until the day he told her that she finally let the truth slip. He was so grateful that she trusted him with this and to this day has still never told anyone. They are no longer friends but when it was time it was good the he knew and he was a comfort to her.
In seventh grade her powers started to become more advanced. Like she could she the forest and all thats in it. And when she looked into someones eyes she saw their past, present, and end. This became hard for her to handle and just stopped looking into peoples eyes altogether. Then, one day she met this guy. His name is Ben. She just came out and told him all that she could do and he told her he could do stiff to. Ben started to tell her that he could travel in between dimensions and look into people's brains.
For a long time life was good she was learning to cope with her new abilities. And then out of the blue they stopped. She never knew what silence was. They were just always there. She didn't know what to do. She could not breath. She just messaged Ben and asked what to do. He called her. He helped. She does not know what she would have done if he was not there. But when she thought about it she wondered who or what would attack her trees. Ben said it was back. He was back. But how. He had put “it” away. He said the darkness. Something was out to get our kind. Still silent in her head she could not think. Our kind? There is more? Could they help? All she knew was that there is a darkness out there and it just took away her trees. She would not stand for it.
Never before did she let someone in her head. It was a dark place and no one should ever have to suffer through it. She let him in and let him guide her. All the darkness said was listen to your inner demons. They have not heard from the darkness yet and it has been a week. Her trees are back but now they say dark, twisted, demented stuff. All they know now is to stick together and never let darkness in again. She dreams about it and her friend takes the darkness out. Her friend is her protector even though she will not admit to it. Without him she would have never made it. They are still fighting “this darkness but now she feel safe in his arms. She want to say thank you but does not want to look weak.
They start high school next week and while all the teenagers are walking in the halls they don’t know what their kind does for them. The alphas. Just sit and wait for the next attack….To be continued.

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