The Wolf and the Mermaid | Teen Ink

The Wolf and the Mermaid

February 6, 2014
By karkatsbabe BRONZE, Nowata, Oklahoma
karkatsbabe BRONZE, Nowata, Oklahoma
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Wolf and The Mermaid

"Are you sure about this, Sirena?" I was very nervous. And why wouldn't I be, I was about to do something totally out of character.

"You'll be fine bouy." Oh, God there she goes with the fish puns. She was going to make me do something that was going to kill me, whether it be emotional or actual death remained to be seen.

"I'm going to die. I just know it." I don't think I'm being dramatic. I was about to ask out the most dangerous girl in all the school. If I offend her she could very well beat me to death.

"Stop being over dramatic, Luka. She couldn't possibubble krill you. I'll be right there watching, keeping you safe." She was so happy about my possible demise. Did I do something to make mad?

"Sirena, she will krill me if I do somefin to offend her." I said using fish puns for her benefit. "I don't think I can do this."

"You'll be fine, Luka. You're a wolf remember? Their not scared of anyfin. You're going to be the next alpha so you need to find a suitable mate." She was so happy and cheery. it made it hard to be scared of what was about to happen but not impossible.

"I look okay, right?" She had picked out my clothes and my done my hair, but I still felt like I looked like a pile of crap.

"You look adorabubble! Now go get yourself a mate!" God, there was hohpe and happiness in her eyes. I couldn't disapoint my best friend.

"Okay. I can do this." I took a big breath and walked off to meet my fate.


There went Luka, going off to ask Bianka out. It hurt so much to see him do this, partly because he really could be killed but mostly because I have a crush on him. Cliche as hell but true. I don't think he even sees it. The boy couldn't see what was right in front of him. He was such an idiot but my best friend.

I started following him when he was ahead by a bit. I had to make sure that Bianka didn't kill him. It was understandable that Luka was worried he would die, Bianka being a female werewolf could rip him apart in an instant. But I wouldn't allow that, I mean what are best friends for? Even though he was going to her and not me, I wanted him to be happy, and not dead.

There was Bianka. I hid behind a tree, watching. Luka had on a lot of fake confidence.

"Bianka, I was wondering, would you like to go to prom with me?" His voice was flowing with self assurance. If I hadn't known him for years I never would have noticed that he had a slight hesitation to his words. He was a very good actor. I don't know why he didn't join the drama club, it's not his father was against it.

"Listen here, omega, I wouldn't go with you if you were the alpha of your pack already. Now get out of here before I rip you to shreds." She was the meanest female wolf ever to come to this school.

"Yes." Then with all the pride he could muster he walked away. Poor Luka. That evil she wolf needed to learn a lesson and I was just the mermaid to give it to her.


I knew she wouldn't say yes, but at least I didn't die or get beaten. The only thing that hurt was my pride. I don't know if I can face Sirena. I'm sure she saw the whole thing. After all she would never let me get hurt if she could help it.

"I'm never going to be alpha if I keep acting like an omega." I sigh to myself. Why couldn't I be braver or more couragous? I was a werewolf for Gods sake! And worse I was the only child and son of the alpha for my pack. I was amazed that they hadn't killed me yet.

I headed to my favorite place to think, the cave at the beach. No one knows about this place, not even Sirena. Being alone with my thoughts was a blessing and a curse. It made me realize things that I shouldn't think about like how I love my best friend as more than a friend. I knew my dad wouldn't care what species I chose as my mate as long as they were strong enough to handle pack life, with the exception of werecats. He didn't care but he didn't want them to get hurt as the rest of the pack hated werecats.

I sat far from the mouth of the cave as I dared, my knees to my chest, thinking of why I asked out Bianka and not Sirena. I was a cowardly wolf. Not fit to be alpha and not fit to be with a bubbly mermaid. A slow trickle of tears started leaking out of my eyes at these self hating thoughts.

I sat there thinking for what felt like days but was probably only a couple hours when something washed up at the cave mouth. I went over to investigate, hoping whatever it was would put me out of my misery. Only to find something totally horrifying.

"Sirena! Oh, God, are you alive?!" Sirena was passed out and bloody, it looked like hers and some one else's. I dragged her out of the water, panicing the entire time. Sirena hadn't even twitched in her unconscious state.

"Sirena! Please wake up." I was going to burst into tears. Her wounds looked really bad, possibly life threatening.
"Oh cod what do I do?!" I heard a small giggle come out of Sirena.
"Sirena?!" I said with hope. If she could giggle that meant she wasn't gonna die right? "Are you awake?"

"Yes...Luka.." Her voice was weak and scratchy, as if she hadn't had a drink of water in days.

"Do you need something to drink?" This worried me, she was just in the water.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." she said sitting up. "Just in a lot of pain at the moment."

"Is there an-" I started to ask.

"No there's nofin you can do. I... do have to tell you somefin." she said. "I have always thought that you were the most adorabubble fish in the sea. And I love you as more than a frond or brother. I love you like a gillfrond loves her bouyfrond."

I didn't know what to say. I never thought that she would return my feelings. Sirena took my silence as a rejection.

"It's okay if you don't like me that way, Luka. I understand com-" I inturrupted her with a kiss. She was shocked just as much as I was, I never did anything bold. Before she had a chance to kiss me back I pulled away.

"Of course love you, gilly. How couldn't I? You're the most adorabubble and cutest mermaid and girl in the entire school. Not to mention you're the kindess and most caring girl I've ever met. I would love to be your bouyfrond, but only if you'll be my gillfrond." I said sincerely. I had loved her for most o my teenage life.

"I wold love to your gillfrond!" The smile that graced her face was magnificent. I was so happy that I smiled too, until a thought occured to me.

"How did you get hurt?" She was still bleeding. My question made her look away bashfully.

"I saw hw Bianka treated you and I picked a fight with her. I couldn't let her treat my best frond like that, so I beat the bubbles out of her."

I was so shocked that I couldn't speak, intead I just held her. Showing my affection that way.

"Sirena, we need to get you medical attention. What should I do?"

"Just carry me to my beach house. Then call my parents on my shellphone." She was getting weaker by the minute.

"Okay." I say as I pick her up. I've been to her beach house plenty of times so I knew the way by heart.

"I love you Luka." She said drowsily.

"I love you, too, Sirena." I say. "We're almost to your house so just hang on."

When I got there her parents were already there, having heard about the fight at school. They were shocked when came in with her injured. I explained to them what happened, as far as I knew and told them that I wanted her to be my girlfriend. They said it was about time, she had had a crush on me for years now. I was understandably shocked.

"Will she be okay?" I say after I get over my shock.

"Oui, our petite mermaid will be just fine." Said Sirena's mother with her thick french accent.

"Good." I say with a relieved smile. Now that I had a girlfriend I wouldn't feel as lonely. Things were looking up for a change.

The author's comments:
I enjoy writing. It is my hope that others will enjoy reading my stories.

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