The Apocolypse | Teen Ink

The Apocolypse

February 28, 2014
By Alfonzo38 BRONZE, Bargersville, Indiana
Alfonzo38 BRONZE, Bargersville, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The year is 2189 and the human race is not doing well. The zombies just keep multiplying and making our chances slimmer to survive. It all started on a regular boring school day when I heard a noise coming from the bathroom. So I decided to investigate, but when I walked in a disgusting bloody zombie with rotting flesh was attacking one of my friends so I got his attention by saying “Hey I’m over here and delicious so come and get me”. Then the zombie ran after me and I went into my class because it was close and shot the zombie in the head with my teachers’ plasma gun. The bill was passed for teachers to carry plasma guns in 2131. Anyways I took my friends out of school and we took my teachers’ flying car keys and jumped into my teachers’ flying car and he flew us to….
We flew to my parents’ house because my dad and mom have fifty three plasma weapons. So my friends Nolan the smart guy, Gabe the guy who knows every song ever made, Hunter the baseball player, and me my name is Cade and I’m a football player who plays linebacker. I told my parents what had happened and my dad called my friends’ parents to make sure that they are ok and told us to get some plasma weapons and hide. Then my dad said there was no answer and that got us wondering if their parents were zombies! Then he went over to their houses to make sure that the parents were ok. After that we heard the roar of plasma gun fire which made us think there was trouble. That is when something horrible happened, zombies started attacking the house and came pouring in by the dozens. So I took my friends, my mom, some plasma weapons, and baseball bats. Then we all got into the stolen teachers’ flying car. Afterwards we had to find my dad that’s when my dad came out of one of the houses as a zombie! I started to run to get him but my mom pulled me back and said he’s gone and she flew us away while I was screaming for my dad. My mom started to fly us to somewhere safe but then the car broke down and we went into the nearest building that looked safe.
It turned out to be a radio station, and when I told Gabe it was a radio station he freaked out because he loves music. So we slowly walked into the station with our high tech plasma weapons, and the group of zombies just ran at us with their hungry looking face for flesh! We had to shoot them down and then we just ran up the stairs as fast as we could. Then Gabe pointed out the sound booth and we all went into the biggest one there was, and it turned out to have a lot of old music. We decided to scope out the area but Gabe ended up listening to Careless Whisper by George Michael with some new headphones. I heard a noise and a scream so I ran back to Gabe and he was killed viciously by a zombie because I forgot to lock door! The last words I heard from him were “I’m never goanna dance again”. Then I shot the zombie eight times because I was mad at myself, and when I was walking out I shot the zombie again due to my anger! After this accident we all started to become zombie killers, and try to help anyone in need. Now the year is 2189 and the human race is not doing well.

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