Dragons | Teen Ink


May 5, 2014
By GwenL. BRONZE, Perkasie, Pennsylvania
GwenL. BRONZE, Perkasie, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Doors are for people with no imagination.”
― Derek Landy, Skulduggery Pleasant

“Come on Emry, we’re finally here,” said Emry’s mom.

“Ok just a second,” he yelled back over his shoulder, pulling his luggage off the small plane.

The Ledge family had come to the beautiful Rarotonga, of the Cook Islands. They and one other family had come too, the Croft family. Both were families with 1 child, emry of the Ledge’s and Erin of the Croft’s. They had become fast friends the second they stepped onto the plane.
The next day, both of the families decided to walk up the volcano. Emry, being a very smart as a child, decided to bring his camera. But it wasn’t any ordinary camera, it was a camera that could see through solid objects. Emry’s father Solomon, a world-renowned scientist had made it for him.

“You bring your camera, Emry?” said Solomon.

“Of course I did!” Emry loved that camera almost as much as he loved his dad.

“Hey, can you show me how it works?” asked Erin

“Yeah, its really easy, all you do is focus it with this and click the big red button to take a picture,” he replied “Everyone get together, time for a group picture!” he said

“Say cheese,” Erin said

“Cheese!” all the parents said , but were then abruptly cut off by the rumble of the volcano.
“Run!” shouted someone, but could not be identified because of the smoke billowing down on them.
Everyone started to sprint down the mountain, to the volcano shelter. Emry and Erin were in the lead. But the lava was catching up to everyone.
Then somewhere behind them there was a bloodcurdling scream, another, another and another. Then there was silence. Emry turned around and started to sprint towards the lava.
“Mom! Dad! Where are you?” He yelled while crying.
Erin came running up behind him.

“Come on, we have to keep going Emry, there isn’t anything we could do now,” she said, crying, but still in a commanding voice.
Emry started to run away from the lava. He turned around for one last glance, and saw a dragon. Erin turned around too and gasped. Emry fumbled around for his camera. He found it and snapped a picture. He swore from that day on that he would avenge his family, and kill the beast who had done it.

. . .

“Hurry up!” Erin yelled back to Emry as she walked off the plane.

“Yeah, yeah I’m coming,” he yelled back.

Emry and Erin were back at the same place that had killed both of their families. They had sworn to avenge their deaths.
“Well, here we are,” Erin says, no enthusiasm to be found within her voice.

“Yes, here we are,” Emry says, quiet and sorrowful “We best be heading up,”

“Are you scared, Emry?” Erin asked
“No, I’m not scared at all” he said “I know were are going to be able to do it,” Emry paused “What about you?”

“Hmm, what about me,” Erin said
“Are you scared?”
“Oh, umm, no. Why would I be scared?” she said
“You are scared aren’t you?” he said
“No, I’m not,”
“Yes you are,”

“Fine, yes. I’m scared. I’m deathly afraid. I don’t want to die the same way your’s and my parents died, ok. Are you happy now?”
“Yes, and well, I’m actually a little scared too Erin,” Emry said
“Then lets go and kill our fears” Erin smiled.

. . .
“Ok,” Emry whispered “Now that we are in the dragons’ lair need to be really, really quiet. Do you under-,” and then he was cut off by a loud high-pitched scream.
“What! What’s wrong?” Emry asks
“I saw a spider,” Erin replies
“Was it a gigantic, man-eating spider?”
“No, it was just a normal sized spider,”

“Was it a poisonous spider?”
“No, it was just a normal spider. I got scared because it looked at me with all of it’s eyes,”
“You are pathetic. But really, we need to be quiet,”Emry said, then saw how peculiar Erin looked

“Is there something wrong Erin?”he asked.

She pointed, ever so slowly. Emry turned around, and he came face to face with the dragon. He blacked-out for a moment, then shook himself up. He was mad, as mad as the dragon, even madder then the dragon. Emry glanced at Erin, her amber eyes were full of hatred. They blazed bright, just like the fire the dragon had killed their parents with. He thought about how much he was going to miss her, if they died.
“Wow, her eyes sure are pretty,” he thought to himself. “No, concentrate on the dragon. I swear, if I ever make it out of here alive, I will tell Erin how I feel about her,”

The dragon snorted and Emry and Erin were forced a step back. The dragon was about as long as three men, with a wing-span of at least twenty-five feet. Emry slowly reached for his pistol and tossed back another to Erin. Then with his other hand, he reached inside his jacket for a tranquilizer. Erin reached into her boot and pulled out a dagger.

“Erin, get behind me. It can’t see us, we’re in it’s blind spot,” Emry whispered without turning to face her. The dragon suddenly reared up, with a blood red light shining deep in the back of its throat.

“Run!” yelled Erin as she scampered up onto a rock near the beasts head.

Emry ran behind the dragon and jumped up the mountains wall.
When he reached a safe ledge, he grabbed and loaded his tranquilizer. Erin loaded her’s as well.
“On three, shoot. 1...2...3!” Emry called
An explosion of bullets came upon the monsters hard scales from Erin’s direction. Emry aimed and shot his tranquilizer. It hit the dragon, stayed in for a moment then fell out. It didn’t even get through the layer of scales. No blood at all. But, it did get the attention of the dragon.
“Its not working!” Emry yelled to Erin, now loading his gun.
“Keep shooting. I’ve got an idea. Distract it!”Erin yelled over all the noise.
“That should be easy enough,” He muttered to himself, not taking his eyes off the dragon, whose full attention was now on him. He fumbled for his gun, shut his eyes, tight, and shot. Again and again and again. Those bullets got through the armour of the beast. Not enough to kill it, but enough to slightly injure it. This got the dragon enraged. It came head on at Emry.

“Ahhh!” Emry howled in pain as the dragon bit off his hand.

“Emry!” Erin screamed. The dragon swallowed the hand down, then looked Emry straight in the eye, and smiled. It actually smiled, but it was a sly, cocky, evil little smile. Emry grimaced, but he kept on fighting.

Then to his amazement, he saw Erin leap off the rock she was on and landed on the beast. She fought to stay on its back, then took her dagger and slammed it down into the monster. The dragon screeched and flung itself around. She slowly pulled the dagger down its back, all the way to the tail and then yanked it out. It flailed around even more.

The dragon reared up, and Erin went flying off. She landed on the stone, hard, on her side. Emry heard the crunch of a few bones. He instantly knew that she had broken her ribcage. But she got up again and started near the beast again. Emry reloaded and kept shooting to get the dragon’s attention. Erin climbed up a rock and jumped onto the beasts head.

She climbed around while it snapped at her. She smiled, obviously pleased with herself as she found the eye. The bloodshot, yellow eye. Erin stuck out her thumb and shoved it deep into the eye. The dragon roared even more, while the clear membrane of the eye rolled down its face. She leaped off the head of it, right in front of its face, then held the dagger near her head and stuck the beast right in its heart. It let out a moaning wail, its last sign of life. It landed with a loud thump on the ground

“We did it” Erin panted, blood splattered all over her.

“Yes, we did it Mom and Dad. Now you can rest in peace,” Emry thought.

Emry walked over to her and hugged her, as if he was hanging onto her for dear life. He thought about how pretty she was.

“I’ll tell her later,” he thought, and he smiled.

The End

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece when I was inspired by a photo and I decided to write a story, and this is how it turned out.

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