Mage Chronicles | Teen Ink

Mage Chronicles

May 27, 2014
By ACDCazzkicker BRONZE, Coronado, CA, California
ACDCazzkicker BRONZE, Coronado, CA, California
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"When in doubt, don't."
-Benjamin Franklin

Mage Chronicles

“Byron, did you feed the Highlander cows?”
“Yes Mother,” replied Byron.
“How about the sheep?” yelled Mrs. Hunter.
“All taken care of mom, I did the chores a while ago. What? Do you not want me to practice magic?” said Byron.
“I never said that. I just wanted to make sure that you had finished all of your chores before you go shooting voodoo out of your fingertips.” spurned Byron’s mother. “Now run along and have some fun before it gets dark.” she said with a smile.
“Thank you Mom so much!” squealed Byron as he squeezed his mother in a big hug. As soon as those words left his mouth, he sprinted out the door towards the barn with the sun setting in the distance.
Byron Hunter is a small boy at the age of 14. He has been practicing magic ever since his dad had shown it to him as a small toddler. Ever since his father had an important meeting at the Illusion school of Magic Byron wanted to enter on of the four schools of magic. He developed an interest for conjuration magic when he really learned the difference and focus of all the schools. Byron has always wanted to become a mage like his father. His father is the Archmage at the National Breeding Society of Dragons. He has wanted to be a great mage but not a dragon scholar like his father before him.
He lives with his mother and father, Alice and Rook Hunter, in the beautiful land of Argonia. Argonia is a fairly large country with a mountainous landscape on the continent of Orsimer on the planet of Nurhn. Unlike our Earth there are only two continents on Nurhn, named Nisra and Orsimer, both of which are double the size of South America. There are many separate provinces inside each continent but our story with Byron Hunter and his adventures in the world of magic lay on the continent of Orsimer in the province of Argonia in the Summer Mountains where Byron lives.
“Wow this is a lot harder than I thought,” exhaled Byron as he read one of his magic tomes for summoning an ethereal wolf. “Ok, one more time then I’m going in for dinner.” Byron exhaled deeply and held up his left arm while his right arm held the book close to his body. He then flexed his fingers very elaborately and a dark purple sphere with purple light emanated from his hand. Byron took this chance to examine the pre-evolved spell floating in his palm. No Byron, you need to focus and finish this. If you master this spell it will get you one step closer to being accepted in to the Conjuration School of Magic. Byron realized he was internally monologuing and losing the spell slowly. It was diminishing and shrinking in his hand. He made a half fist and as he did so the spell reignited and started glowing more profoundly. The light surrounding the little sphere began to surge into the sphere. Byron was charging the spell as he readied to release it. A sudden surge of excitement rushed into Byron as he had never gotten this far with the spell. In the past it had often exploded in his face ending up with his clothes half burned to dust. But this was different, it was actually working! Byron realized that he was holding his breath and he finally outstretched his left arm, opening his palm and the little purple sphere shot from his palm and flew ten feet from where he stood and immediately enlarged into a huge translucent purple orb spinning quite slowly. The energy that the spell took from Byron launched him from his feet back into the barn with a loud smack. Within the next ten seconds the orb diminished and there stood an ethereal wolf, standing in front of Byron looking at him with huge curious eyes.
The wolf just stood there, staring at Byron intently. In all the pain and exhaustion that Byron was in he lay there, with his back against the green barn breathing very fast and staring right back at the wolf. The first thing that rushed through Byron’s head immediately was “Oh….my…Gods.” Byron got up slowly with his back pressed against the barn. Yet the wolf just stood there watching him. When Byron was finally standing he was leaning against the wall completely, afraid that if he was to try to walk he would collapse from exhaustion and pain. He took a step toward the wolf with his hand out reached. He almost fell forward from the unevenness of his legs, his hand was shaking, and sweat trickled down the back of his neck. He was less than a foot away from the nose of the wolf he could almost feel the ghostly mist emanating from the beast. Finally his hand was at least an inch from the muzzle when all of a sudden the wolf fell to the ground and dissipated immediately. The sudden change of events shocked Byron forcing him to retract his hand quickly. Then Byron remembered, the spell is only temporary and because of his novice magic skills unlike the great archmages of the magic schools around Argonia, This spell only lasted a few minutes.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 8 2014 at 1:32 pm
ACDCazzkicker BRONZE, Coronado, CA, California
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"When in doubt, don't."
-Benjamin Franklin

Hey guys this my first piece of writing that I published please tell me if its good or what I need to work on!