The Futile Struggle | Teen Ink

The Futile Struggle

May 23, 2014
By cwehr BRONZE, San Jose, California
cwehr BRONZE, San Jose, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Futile Struggle
The gleaming transparent cool blue waters. The greenery of beautiful nature surrounding you at
every turn. All of your pain that you were once suffering from in the past can easily be alleviated by this magical forest. At least, that’s the way it used to be.
I see darkness within most of everybody that I know nowadays. They have this deceptive masquerade that hoodwinks these animals into thinking that they are something better than what they really are. The fiends of this forest disgust me. I am a member of the “evals” class. In other words, the third class, bottom of the totem pole, the one who does the dirty work, whatever you want to call it.
Our class is called the “evals” because it is slave spelled backwards. The leaders of this corrupt government didn’t want to make us feel like dirt (even though that’s what they treat us like, dirt), and they assume that most of us won’t catch on to what it really means because most of the animals that are put into this class are vicious, blood-thirsty killers, but are too simple minded to think for themselves. Most of my friends in the third class are not the sharpest tool in the shed, but are loyal and will stay true to their word. They are good animals, but the torture that is bestowed on these animals is inhuman (I know that may sound ironic, but it is the truth).
The first class is composed of the mountain lions (only mountain lions, no other animals can gain entry). The reason for their vast power over the other animals is because they are not only blood thirsty and will kill anything that defies them, but they are smarter than any other animal and are constantly ten steps ahead of everyone else. They do not have cameras or any kind of high technological security like humans do, but they have one thing that humans do not, miraculous keen senses and a killer mindset.
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?Wehr 2 Over time, greed has poisoned their souls, mostly Gash’s, the leader of their gang, creating this
segregation of animals that are known as ranks. The animals that are the strongest but with the most cloddish behavior remain in the bottom class. The animals that are in this class are composed of Grizzly Bears, Black Bears, Big Horn Sheep, and among these animals, I am just a measly Sheep. I consider myself very smart because I self educate based on my surroundings. Every one of my actions had led to an impromptu haphazard, but I am a quick problem solver, and I learn from my mistakes. The reason I am not in a higher ranking class is because my heritage is Big Horn Sheep, which means that I am supposed to be the strong one that follows orders, not the reluctant one that questions them.
“AAAHHHHH!!!!” one of my friends screams. She is also a Big Horn Sheep named Daisy. She is one of the weak ones in the group. One of the Mountains broke her leg and viciously bit her left ear off because she was loading logs (the job that she was assigned to) too slowly.
“That’ll teach you a lesson you ugly spoiled brat” Gash said cold heartedly.
“I’m so sorry sir I promise I won’t be a disappointment to you anymore. You can count on me!” Daisy stated in such agonizing pain.
“Good. Now get back to work you worthless sheep!” Gash said.
“Right away sir!” Daisy said cheerfully trying to hide the pain as much she could. I wanted to step in, but I would have been killed right away. It is beyond unfair, but is the sad reality. I am probably the smallest one in size and am considered a disgrace to my class. However, I make up for my size with the knowledge that I have collected over the years and my quick thinking attitude. There is a corky feel to me though. My left horn is slightly smaller than my right, I have mismatched colored eyes (the left eye is green and the right eye is brown), I am very clumsy with very weak, stubby legs, I am a tan color with streaks of brown, and am just a sad introvert longing for the day the rebellion on the Mountain Lions
?Wehr 3 take place. But there are other classes in this society. One of which is the second class have all the
work/messenger/servant animals that are not the most asinine, the most intelligent, the weakest, or even the strongest, they are just, average. The animals in this working class are Blue Herons, Hawks, Spotted Owls, Coyotes, Bobcats, Foxes and Striped Skunks. As you can tell, these animals are average size,
not the most primitive, not the most advanced, they are just the worker bees of the woods.
With this corrupt, unfair government, I have created an unruly rebellion against the mountain lions. This rebellion is an underground operation that is sworn to secrecy by the other animals. They can tell no one outside of the operation. They just go about the day doing daily work: making shelter, hunting for food, and the most vital job is to serve the Mountain Lions. We meet at nightfall, because that is right after the Mountain Lions have had their dinner and are exhausted from ordering us around all day. We animals on the other hand, are nothing but restless. We have the blueprints to the well thought-out plan and are literally working our tails off in the underground operation.
Our real enemy in this plan is the leader of the Mountain Lions, known as Gash. What makes him the leader? He is only the most intelligent, vicious, blood thirsty, charming, deceptive killer in this whole entire forest. When you think that he isn’t paying attention, he’s in your hindsight. When he’s about to kill you, he is nice about it, giving you the impression that he is your friend. He knows where your weak spot is, and hits you where it hurts. That is why we have coyotes and other animals scanning the area on the look out for lurking Mountain Lions seeking trouble.
“We strike at dawn” I stated confidently. I was speaking out to the whole group of animals. Most of the animals thought that I was crazy thinking that we could do this in only a matter of hours.
“Do you really think we are ready?” One of the Spotted Owls questioned.
?Wehr 4 “Yes. And the fact of the matter is, we may never have this big of a chance again. Gash and the
rest of his crew are hot on our trail. They are on the verge of killing most of the animals that are in this group right at this very moment. So risking our lives now would still provide us with the same destiny as if we stayed down here strategizing more than we need to. I trust that we can do this, because there is more than comes to the naked eye, and the only thing we have to hold onto is our plan, and sheer
The crowd of animals fell dead silent.
“Let’s do this!” One of the smaller spotted owls exclaimed with determination and inspiration in her voice. The whole crowd of animals starts to cheer with this drive and motivation in their hearts. They start to gear up with their very deadly but primitive weapons. They sharpen their spears, polish their helmets, and get mentally set for battle. Gash and his gang are surprisingly unaware and unprepared. We are ready. I make one last speech before entering this battle.
“I just want every animal in this room to know that they are equal. No other animal can enforce this abusive empowerment on anything just because they are more evolved;; the fact of the matter is, there are more of us then there are of them. This isn’t a fight to make the Mountain Lions suffer;; this fight is to make the Mountain Lions learn from their mistakes. This fight is not only a battle, it is a war to see who is the bigger animal and to find peace within ourselves. Dead or alive. We all fight for each other. So wipe the doubt off of your guys’ faces and let’s get our forest back!”
“Yea!” the whole crowd said simultaneously.
All of the animals creep onto the battlefield. They took out two of the six Mountain Lions almost instantaneously. One of the other Mountain Lions woke up, witnessed this, and sprinted to tell Gash, who was furious when he received the news. He marched out with his remaining crew members. After
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the ensuing battle, all of my animals were either injured or killed, and all of Gash’s Mountain Lions were
killed. It was down to us two. I knew he had the bigger advantage over me, but I had one thing that Gash didn’t have, horns. Right as I was having that thought, Gash pounced with all his might. The viciousness in his eyes, the blood thirsty mouth, everything was pointing to my death. But I tilted my head down, then up very quickly, and cut in through his chest and face almost half way deep in his body. Gash was dying.
“You’re dead to me” Gash squeezed out with his last breath.
“Well you’re dead to everyone else now” As I stopped my hoof on his head, killing him instantly.
The forest was now back to its original, peaceful self. We took down all of the Mountain Lions’ homes and built hospitals for the injured. We help each other out, as equals, and try as hard as we can to appreciate what magic we have created.

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