Daniel. Rise of morgarath | Teen Ink

Daniel. Rise of morgarath

November 7, 2014
By Flynn500 BRONZE, San Jose, California
Flynn500 BRONZE, San Jose, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Its about a kid named Daniel (Will's father in the Ranger's apprentice.

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Chapter 1

“And finally, Daniel.” a voice announced. As he got up to the stairs, he was nervous. “Hmm…” the judge said, “Not good, he’ll be a farmer.” No!” Daniel screamed, “ You can’t do this to me.” The judge snickered, “Heh heh heh, yes I can. Yes I can.” He awoke with a start from his dream. “Wake up loser!” said his annoying brother. Judgement day. He finally got to know what he would become of. This could either be the best or worst day of Daniel’s life. The day when you went from a childish 15 year old to a man. He knew what he wanted to be, a gallant knight on horseback. He realized that he could finally move out of the house. “Bet you’d become a lousy farmer.” snickered Andrew. “Shut up fatty.” said Daniel. Andrew was already swinging a punch at Daniel but Andrew was clumsy and Daniel he was ready. He immediately ducked and the punch barely missed his head by inches. This made Andrew raged and lunge at Daniel. They were shoving, beating with our fists, biting, doing whatever to hurt each other. Suddenly, they both felt something pull them both up by the collar.

“Stop acting like little kids!” boomed a voice,“It’s Judgement day!.” The man threw them both to the ground and they scrambled to our feet. Daniel looked up to see who it was. A sergeant looked at them with “Sorry sergeant.” we both replied. “Now get to the town square before it is too late.” the sergeant replied. Daniel ran like the wind. He got there just in time as they called his name. “Daniel Nicolas.” announced a voice He slowly walked up to the front. Thinking of what he wanted to become. Knowing that his life was about to change forever.

He told the headmaster that he wanted to be a knight of Araluen. The headmaster studied him for a few moments. He was slowly nodding his head in approval. His heart leaped. The headmaster gave him the document saying that he could become a soldier. Daniel felt the feeling of joy. He went back to the crowd as some people clapped for him. Next was Andrew. He was a cook of Araluen. Harper became a blacksmith and Jane became a crafter.

Boot camp wasn't as fun as it seemed. He pictured jousting, wrestling and other things. In reality, it was just drill over and over again with a sword in many different positions. It was hours of nonstop work in the hot sun. “Wake up you sleepyheads!” There was the occasional groan but most got up quickly. “Breakfast in five minutes, come on people, you know the drill.” Twenty minutes later they were all set. Time for the more drills.

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Something was dwelling.The mountain seemed alive. The ranger explained this to his master but he didn’t believe the ranger. The king however sent some of his most trusted men to investigate this including the young ranger. As Halt observed the mountain with other men, the mountain turned calm as if everything was normal. But the ranger knew not.

“See,” said one of the men, “there nothing going on. “That’s what one might see to the untrained eye,” Halt replied, “Look more closely at that cave.” pointing to the nearest cavern. Sure enough there was a faint glow radiating from it. But surprisingly, the men didn’t notice anything wrong with. “Don't see anything odd Halt, maybe your eyes playing tricks on you.” said the same person who spoke before. Halt sighed. Maybe so. but he felt that something was going on.

As he returned to the castle, he went back to He knew what his master would say, “You’re too young to be doing someone else’s work”. But he couldn’t resist. He had to go back. He snuck out and silently went back to the mountain. The cavern was silent. When he looked around nothing was unusual. Breathing heavily, he forward on his knees. Everything was completely dark. The faint glow appeared again. Not to far away. It seemed to be pulling him in. Instantly he realized it was a trap. Suddenly the floor began to glow and shake. Evil laughter echoed through the cavern. He turned to run and everything started to cave in. Then the world went black.

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

“Hello? Anybody home?” Halt slowly looked up slowly. He suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck. Still, he managed to raise it. The blurred figure came into view as he realized it was a farmer. “Are you okay?” he asked. Halt realized that he had made it out f the cave and was now in a little bed in a little house. “How long have I been out?” Halt asked. “About a day.” the man replied. “ Uhhh… my teacher will be worried, I must be on my way.” Halt grumbled. The farmer however said for him to stay since his neck was in a bad condition. “Fine if you say so.” said Halt.

A couple days later, Halt finally reached the castle. Apparently while was away, a newcomer had come to town. His name was Morgan the second whom was born and raised a Scotti. ‘Apparently, he was famous already’ thought Halt after overhearing some. The man ras rising for power. As Halt made it back to his master, no one was there. “He passed away.” said a voice from behind him suddenly. Halt jumped in surprise, “What, how, why, who are you?” “I don’t know, we found him dead on that chair yesterday,” said the mysterious figure, “along with our best ranger and two of our battlemasters. Someone is trying to weaken us. Now, I take care of you. Get some rest.” Halt thought about what the man had said. Could he trust him? He didn’t even know his name. Then he got lost in his dreams.

Next morning, he heard shouts. “Any followers of Morgan please step forward!” he heard, “ Down with the king!” “Down with the king.” He hears thousands of these shouts. “Hurry,” the new master of Halt said, “we must tell the king!” Halt grabbed his longbow and his coat. “What’s happening?” Halt shouted. “Morgan of Morgarath has recruited thousands of people and trained extremely deadly beasts names wargals which are killing all the soldiers stationed here. We must get out of here before one of the rebels spotts you and tries to kill you. Get your horse and go.” he replied. He saddled and took off with the still unknown figure.

“King, we must do something.” “Yes, station some troops to defend the keep and send the rest to help loyalists escape and to Redmont to intercept these rebels while you and you're rangers take some of my knights to defend against the Wargals.” “Yes Sir. Halt, go and tell headmaster of the Ranger corps this.” “Will do sir.” and he took off again.

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Daniel awoke. Men were yelling. The place was swarming with wargals. Daniel immediately pulled out his sword and sliced the first one in the arm killing it with one swift blow. His training was paying off. He was promoted a sergeant for his duties. Men were yelling to fall back to Redmont. He partially ran there on foot. It was a sad sight. Even many innocent mothers and children laid motionless everywhere. Villages were burned.This was a terrible day.On the way, he hitchhiked with one of his friends to Redmont on horseback.

As they got there, they found themselves a pitifully few. Only a couple hundred men remained. More were coming in but only in small numbers. They prepared for the attack during the night. Still no reinforcements.

In the morning, men yelled as an attack was coming. There were thousands of the enemy. As they charged closer, Daniel’s heart skipped a beat. He knew this was the end.

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

As all the rangers saddled up, he knew that they had to hurry. The Wargals would take the fief sooner or later if they didn’t hurry. Halt closed down his tent and started packing up. Halt told them to all start riding soon. He started to ride out.

As they finally got to the battlefield, it wasn’t a pretty sight. For every soldier they had, the enemy had about 10. Without thinking, the rangers sent a volley and charged. The charge was lead by one of the best rangers. Some had bows and fired back. Immediately the leader went down. Everyone stopped, stunned as another famous ranger. Halt didn’t think. He yelled, “For the king and started charging again.” Everyone followed this new leader into battle. Halt took out three wargals immediately and shot the fourth. The wargals were shocked by this sudden force of a strong thousand on horseback. Many retreated or just died. The battle had many tolls on each of the sides. Cleaning up was harsh. Hundreds died, even more injured and almost all were wounded in some way.

A war had started.

The author's comments:

John Flanagon inspired me to do this writing


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