To Where the Forest Ends | Teen Ink

To Where the Forest Ends

December 17, 2014
By Electroflare13 BRONZE, San Diego, California
Electroflare13 BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

I was lost. It was nighttime and everywhere shadows would follow. Dead trees engulfed the land and the sky filled with clouds with a bright yellow moon . I been stuck here for months looking for my family. Every day I looked for them, hoping that I will find them. My mom, dad and little brother were all special to me . They helped me when I was sick or when I was lonely, especially Toby. It was one devastating night that I got separated from my family.
One day we went camping in a forest. It was nighttime when I woke up to a group of hunters walking up to our camp. They forced my family to the ground threatening them with a gun. That very moment my mother yelled out to me, "Hurry! Get out of here!". I immediately  ran, not looking back as I stumbled into the deep dark forest.
I was stuck here, wandering through the woods, still nighttime. I thought to myself when will the sun come out so I yelled out, "It would be good to have a nice refreshing view of sunrise right now". Nothing happened. Then I thought about my family. I still couldn't believe I left my family like that. I should of helped my family. "No point complaining about that now," I muttered. About an hour later of looking I felt tired. I needed to rest. I looked around for one last sign of anything, but nothing unusual happened. I fell to the floor and closed my eyes.
A dream. I was standing in the middle of nothing. No trees, no light, nothing. I stood there wondering what this meant. I was interrupted by a voice. Another voice came. And another. More voices appeared louder and louder. It was impossible to remember what each voice was saying but one was mostly said," Stay away! It's cursed!". Then a white flash broke away my dream.
I woke up, as I tried to wipe off the stuff in my eyes. My vision cleared. I looked around to see anything happened. It was mourning about 8 o'clock. Then I noticed a piece of paper right next to me. It was clean sheet, that was folded in half. Suddenly the trees started to rustled. The wind picked up. Before I was able to grab the piece of paper it got carried away with the wind. The rustling stopped. Out of nowhere someone popped up.
"Hello there, kid" someone said. I turned around so fast that I almost banged my head against a tree.
"Who's there?" I asked.
"Who's there you asked? I'm the Old Man!" said the old man.
"How did you find me?" I asked again.
"I've been wandering these woods for 40 years already and found no signs of life. How are you here?" said the old man. I started to explain the whole story how I ended up here. The old man listened carefully, but once in a while he started to "shake" and move. Then I finished explaining the whole story.
"Your story is no different than mine kid," said the old man. "Like I said I've been wondering these woods for years, even longer than you. I tried to find a way out of the forest but nothing found. Not even a clue. Sooner or later you will become one of me. Looking around forever when there's no point".
" I will not be like you! I will find my family!" I yelled back. I ran away from the old man almost tripping at the beginning. I ran until I couldn't see the old man anymore. I stopped and took a breath. As I looked around I saw a grave somewhere. I walked over to it to see what's going on. When I was close enough I looked at the grave.
  "The Tombs of Souls". Then the trees started to rustled again. The wind blew. I noticed that the piece of paper I saw earlier was with the wind. I came over to grabbed the paper. Then the wind stopped. I unfolded the paper and started reading out loud
"When one lost kid go looks for his home,
As the tomb of souls wait to be shown.
When critter lurks without a reason,
To the winds blow throughout the season."
The grave started to react. It started to change colors from gray to purple back and forth.
"it must be happening!" as the man pop out of nowhere. "That's the exit! You found it!". I didn't bother looking at the man because engravings started to appear on the grave. It was the words I spoke in the letter. I looked at the letter, which started to dissolved in purple ashes. Wind started to blow harsher and harsher. Trees started to move back and forth. When the engravings finished writing the prophecy a flash of white light appeared.
I was standing somewhere. I was teleported somewhere out of the forest. Around me were live green trees everywhere .No dead trees anywhere. I look around for that old man but no sight of him. I notice a house nearby with a little boy on its backyard. I come closer to take a better look.
"Who's there," the boy turns around quickly and asks. Having no fear of the boy I come out of the trees.
"Hello there" I said calmly.
"W-what's y-your name?" the little boy asks.
"My name is Andrew Jackson" I replied back. The boy stood there for a moment with his eyes widen. The he started to speak.
"Toby!". We both ran giving each other a hug.

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This article has 3 comments.

on Jan. 12 2015 at 5:50 pm
Electroflare13 BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 2 comments
I just like how I used the name if the 7th president of the United States as a character.( Andrew Jackson)

on Jan. 12 2015 at 9:55 am
Chrissiana1320 BRONZE, Hypoluxo, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 48 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It isn't what you can do with your strength, but how you chose to use."

-By me, I think.

I love the story, but like mtgates6 said i was not ready for that ending. Keep it Up!

on Jan. 5 2015 at 4:20 pm
mtgates6 BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
Your story was well written. I was not ready for that ending.