The Chicken That Wanted to Cross the Road | Teen Ink

The Chicken That Wanted to Cross the Road

February 25, 2015
By AlexVu BRONZE, Normandy Park, Washington
AlexVu BRONZE, Normandy Park, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time, there was a chicken named George. George was a fairly decent chicken, with normal light brown feathers, and a bright red beak. With no family, or friends, he entered the world mysteriously. He was just a lonely chicken searching for his destiny. Till one day, he stumbled across some kind of pavement material. It was harder than what his normal two chicken feet were used to feeling. It felt solid. Like a rock. But stretched out all over the place, like a long strip of paper that went across the horizon. It was weird, and it felt abnormal to his little feet. So he decided to sit down, because he didn’t know what to do. He had never encountered such a mysterious situation in his life before, other than the fact that he didn’t even know where he came from. This issue didn’t seem so big towards the rest of the world because George could easily see some sorts of fast moving metal wagons moving across this rock-material kind of pavement. He sat there waiting to think of an idea that would be able to surpass his situation, of crossing this hard pavement ground, but nothing came to mind.
Until, far into the horizon, George spotted the figure like of a human being. His first human that he had ever seen in his life. He had only seen articles on the ground and heard from other animals on his journey about what a human was like. George was very excited to be able to meet this new figure; he groomed his feathers, wiped his feet, and sharpened his beak. Just so he appeared presentable to this human. The figure came closer and closer, and George got happier and excited.
Finally, the figure approached George. It was a tall but slender man. He seemed to be a hard worker. George could tell by his hands and feet. They were dirty, and rough. His clothes that he had on him also seemed a little brown. It looked like he had been walking for a while too. George came up to him and immediately started a conversation with him. Asking him where he was from, why he was here, what he was doing. A few minutes passed by into the conversation. George found out a few things from the man; first off, the man’s name was Kentucky. He was from a small town nearby and was just walking by because his workplace was in the inner city area. Kentucky told George that he walked to and from work every day as his daily exercise. George thought that he could ask the man for some simple help for crossing the road. Kentucky simply agreed and said that it wasn’t that hard. He said that he can show him how to do it right now with a creepy and insidious grin on his face.
George, thinking nothing of the smile he saw, was eager to cross the road, so he agreed right away to the offer. Kentucky told George to just follow him wherever he went.
“Easy enough” said George.
Kentucky told George that you just need to get the timing right and then you run across and try not to get hit by any fast moving vehicles along the way. Right when they saw no more fast moving vehicles, they took off, sprinting across the pavement road. Safely, they made it across the other side of the road. George thanked Kentucky so much and jumped up and gave him a hug. Kentucky, still having the grin on his face, said “with a delightful pleasure, my dear friend”. In the back of George’s mind, he knew that he still needed to accomplish one more thing, which was, to find his true destiny in this world. The true meaning of why George, the chicken, existed. So he wanted to complete that. He told Kentucky about this, and Kentucky with his grin, got even wider and spat out, “just come with me, I’ll take you around the city and to my workplace to see if you’ll find what you’re looking for there.” George was uncertain because he just met this guy, but agreed again because Kentucky seemed like a good enough guy to trust.
He just followed Kentucky until they got into the city. All of the lights amazed George. It was like being in heaven. It wasn’t like what George had ever seen before. His small little eyes were only used to seeing tall grass and wicked growing weeds. The new view to his virgin city eyes caught his amusement. He was so excited to see all of the tall and beautiful buildings. Kentucky took him to his workplace. It appeared as if a castle were just standing in front of him. Kentucky’s workplace was a tall and factory-like red building. Kentucky said that he owned the factory and that it was a small business that he had founded a few years back. And that it was a slowly growing business. Three letters named the building. In large bold red letters, the building read, K.F.C. “Hmm, I wonder what that could mean” George thought to himself.
Right as they stepped into the building, Kentucky pushed George into a machine that had a shredding noise. With a hard chuckle and a laugh, followed by that insidious grin that he had on his face for the longest time, Kentucky had killed George. He had made George become one of his products in his business. A chicken, which would be eatable to his customers. But right before his head reached the shredder, George thought to himself, “Is this really my destiny?”

The author's comments:

When you think of a chicken, what do you really think of?

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on Mar. 3 2015 at 7:57 pm
AlexTheGreat PLATINUM, Morganfield, Kentucky
27 articles 2 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it…"

- Roald Dahl

Wow, this is such an odd mixture of humor and horror :-)