Pain and Love | Teen Ink

Pain and Love

February 26, 2015
By Anonymous

    I was just a shadow in the high school. A person that nobody cares about. My only friends were my parents at the time and my pet hamster named Jamie.

    Everytime mom thinks that something is wrong with me in school, we move. Which means that I dont get anytime to get real friends. Not people that ask for the answers off my math exams. What she doesnt understand is that things cant get better if I dont stay.

    The old, junky yellow bus pulls up in front of my light blue singal story house. The roar from the retards that I got to school with escapes through the windows. As I walked abored, evryone got quieter. I could feel my cheeks burning. Girls whispered into their friends, then laughing a few moments later. That made my blood boil. Why do people make fun of others just to get people off their case?

    As I walk down the lane, people move their bags over so I cant sit with them. I walk some more and find an open seat. As I sit, I could feel a wad of paper hit me in the back of the head. i just tried to ignore it the best I could and ducked down in my seat.



     When we pulled up in front of the school, everyone got up at the same time. A train of people fled out of the bus and we their seperate ways. I was the last to get off. The bus driver game me a small smile as I walked down the steps. When I reached the office, no one was at the front desk. A piece of paper was there that had my class schedule on it. So I picked it up and continued on to my first hour which was history. Great, I thought. The most boring class for first how. Im sure to fall asleep.

    As I walked down the hall, I could feel everyones burn straight through me. "Room 25." I repeated to myself. 30, 29, 28, 27. Tose are the rooms I have already passed. There was an elderly woman standing outside in the hall. She was wearing a purple dress and she had blonde hair. She looked kind but that could be a mistake.

   She greated me with a warm smile and pointed to where I would be sitting for the last few months of school. I went and took my assigned seat. Everyone puored into the room afew moments after me. When the teacher came in after the bell rang, she introduced herself as Mrs.Lains. She introduced me to the whole class and continued on with her speech. I looked over to the right. There was a lot of tall people in this class which made me feel like a hobbit compared to them. When I looked to my left, there was this boy that was staring at me from across the room. He was very handsome. At first, I thought he was staring at the girl behind me, but once I started to do side glances at him, his cheeks started to get pink.

    When the bell finally rung to release us from our classes. I was the first out the door. I didnt want to stick around to listen to the rude comments that people were saying. I loked up in time to bump into a boy that was standing next to a girls locker. He turned around. My heart stoped. I was for sure going to get my --- kicked. He had acne scars all over his face. He was wearing ripped jeans and a gray zip up hoodie. His girlfriend, which, im asuming is the one he was talking to earlier, watched my every move.

"Whats the matter with you, b****!" he spat in my face. The words came out with hatered. He then shoved me to the ground, all of my papers came dumping out of my binder. Everyone carelesly walked over them, not paying attention to me or the boy that shoved me. But there was one person that stopped to pick them up. That was the boy that was admiring me from across the room.

    He picked up a handful and handed them to me. The bully than walked up to him and shoved him to the ground as well. "What are you, her lover." he yelled at him. "No, im just someone that is helpful enough to stop and help when needed. 

  The bully turned around and laughed a bit before punching him in the stomach. "Help her again, and you will get a lot worse." He said before turning his back on him and walking away. The boy collasped to the ground. All the bystanders left, leaving just the two of us in the hall. I crouched down next to him and put my hand on his back. It was so stupid of me to do but I did it anyway. He looked up with those deep blue eyes.

    "Thank you." I said. "Welcome." he answered. "My names Jenni." I said so he knew who he was talking to. "Gram." he responded. He gave  sweet little smile and placed his hand on mine. From that day on, we have spent so many long sad nights, days, weeks, and hour together that I have lost track. But we have never lost love for each other no matter how much pain we go through.

The author's comments:

I want to try many different forms of writting, so this is what I chose. Please leave comments on my work to improve on my writting skills, or if you just like the story.

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